What's New

21 January, 2002


  • I spent time this weekend doing a lot of editing. You’ll find new links, new artwork, and new information all over the Lexicon. For example, check out the Diggory family page or the meaning of the name ‘Malecrit’ in the list of Wizards.
  • I also FINALLY got to work on the Weasley family page. I’ve now created separate pages for each member of the family. I’ve added some new artwork here and there as well. I didn’t get the descriptions quite to the level of completeness that I would have liked, but it’s past 1 am and I’m going to bed.
  • As you might imagine, creating and maintaining the Lexicon is a huge job for one person. It takes a lot of time and also money. In order to help support the site, I’ve added a page of recommended reading. If you click on any of the items on that page and order them from Amazon.com directly from that link, a nice percentage of the sale comes back to me. If you use the Lexicon link as your way into Amazon.com and order something else, a smaller percentage of that sale will also come back to me. If you’re interested in supporting the Lexicon, please consider making a purchase. Remember, if you order an item directly through a link to that item on my page, it helps the most.
  • I also added a new essay which discusses Ginny Weasley and her various relationships with other characters in the books. JKR has promised that there will be more “boy-girl” stuff in the next book, so I figured it was time for the Lexicon to start talking about romances and things like that.


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