What's New

The Floo Network


What’s new indeed. The Harry Potter Lexicon is now part of the most exciting resource for Potter information in the entire Muggle world, The Floo Network. The editors of the various web sites of the Floo Network are working together to bring you the absolute best and most complete information, news, and reference material about the Harry Potter universe and Harry Potter fandom. This collaboration might not always be obvious, but it’s an enormous advantage to you, the users of the Floo Network.

Here’s a good example of how this works. A couple of months ago, I was contacted by Electronic Arts about the Famous Wizards cards they feature in their games. With confirmation from them that Rowling herself created the cards, I started working on adding the information from the cards to the Lexicon. B. K. Delong of the Leaky Cauldron, another Floo Network member site, asked me if I had a complete list of the information from those cards and I forwarded him my text file with all of the card details, compiled from the different sources where those cards appear. He and Melissa Anelli, also of TLC, then contacted people they knew at Wizards of the Coast to get verification that Trading Card and Chocolate Frog card  information was also created by Rowling. B. K. also acquired permission for me to reprint card images on the Lexicon site! As a result of the Floo Network editors working together, you will be treated to in incredibly complete and detailed set of pages about the Famous Wizards cards. That section of the Lexicon is in the works and should be finished in the next few days.

Now jump ahead a week from now. As of next Saturday, The Order of the Phoenix will have changed everything. You will be glad to know that a team of editors, not just little ol’ me, will be working hard to update and revise and expand the Lexicon to bring you all the new information as quickly and accurately as possible.

What’s new? Everything. The Harry Potter Lexicon, as part of the Floo Network, is more than ever your best place for Harry Potter information.


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