For two thousand years, witches and wizards all over the world have been living their lives with the use of magic. Their culture has developed alongside that of their Muggle counterparts, sometimes together and sometimes separately. Since the beginning of the eighteenth century, the wizarding world has been hidden away, intentionally separated from Muggle culture. As a result, wizard culture is in many ways distinct. However, Muggle culture has influenced that of the magical community in many ways, some more obvious than others. For example, students travel to Hogwarts aboard a Muggle steam train, albeit one which was “borrowed” by the Ministry of Magic and has been magically traveling the length of England ever since and never been spotted by the Muggles. Wizarding fashion of today resembles Muggle clothing of long ago. The entire wizarding world seems stuck approximately the mid-1800s in many ways.
Use the links on this page to explore the rich details of wizard culture, from government and health to music, insults, and colorful slang.
Explore the Wizarding World
Topics of Interest
History and Time
- Books and Literature
- Food and Drinks
- Ministry of Magic
- Broomsticks
- Businesses
- Clothing
- Common Items
- Communication
- Diseases and Healing
- Furniture and Household Items
- Ministry of Magic
- Money
- Occupations
- Publications
- Rules and Laws
- Security
- Sweets
- Transportation
Hogwarts and Schools
- Spells
- Magical Artifacts
- Magical Objects
- Dark Magic Items
- Magical Identities
- Sentient Objects
- Wandmaking
- Sports and Competitions
- Sports Teams
- Quidditch
- Quidditch teams
- Quidditch fouls
- Games, Toys, and Jokes
Quotes from Rowling
- What JKR says about The Ministry of Magic (Accio Quote!)
- What JKR says about Quidditch (Accio Quote!)
- What JKR says about death (Accio Quote!)
- How Many Quidditch World Cups have there Been, Anyway? by Nick Moline
- Wizard Money by Anton Generalov
- What Came Before the Hogwarts Express? by Owen de Lyon
- How do they make all those books? Printing in the Wizarding World by pepoluan
- Harry’s Things by Morag Traynor
- A View of the Map: Understanding How the Marauder’s Map Works by Steve Beers
- Thoughts on Socks by Sandra L. Diersing
- History of the Ministry by Steve VanderArk
- Wizard Banking by Carlos Velasco Medina
- How Does a Scarlet Stream Train Travel the Length of Britain Without Being Seen? by Steve VanderArk
- Food and Drink in the Potter Universe by Susanna/pigwidgeon37
- N.E.W.T.s and O.W.L.s: An explanation for non-British folks by Jenna
- Textbooks by Lisa Inman
- Everything You’ve Always Wanted To Know About Socks by Morag Traynor