Steve VanderArk

in What's New
One of the key features of the Lexicon is the Atlas. Back in 2000, I started researching and creating maps of Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, and other locations found in the books. I got the idea for this from the various books I’d collected over the years featuring maps for other… Read More

in About Sources / Canon discussion
I recently received two comments on two different entries in the Lexicon which brought up the same problem: the real world calendar doesn’t always agree with the days and dates in the books. I’m sure some of you are saying “Of course, we know that, this has been discussed in… Read More

in Website news
So where are all the new facts from the new film, you ask? Still secret to me. I haven’t had a chance to see it. For health reasons, I haven’t been to a movie theater in years and am hesitant to go now. On top of that, I was in… Read More

in Canon discussion
April, like March, tends to be fairly quiet at Hogwarts. The Fifth and Seventh Years are working harder than ever with the OWL and NEWT exams looming in just a few months. Here are the highlights for March: During Harry’s Time at Hogwarts: 1992 On or about the 24th, Hagrid’s… Read More

in Canon discussion
March is typically an uneventful month for Harry and the others at Hogwarts. Hermione starts studying intensely for the exams: Hermione, however, had more on her mind than the Philosopher’s Stone. She had started drawing up revision schedules and color-coding all her notes. Harry and Ron wouldn’t have minded, but… Read More

in Canon discussion
February is dominated by Valentine’s Day, of course, but a lot of other interesting events happen during this month. Probably the biggest February event during Harry’s time at Hogwarts was the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament. I’m particularly intrigued by the antics of Minister for Magic Pricilla Dupont who was… Read More

in Fandom News
One of the latest books to come out for Dungeons and Dragons is called Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos. The book is designed to provide D&D players with the opportunity to play as students at a magical school. It’s pretty easy to see the connections to the adventures of Harry and… Read More

in Canon discussion
The excitement of the impending holidays during December gives way in January to the dull routine of the beginning of the winter term at Hogwarts. The students return, typically aboard the Hogwarts Express, the first weekend of the month. Quidditch practices begin again and the first match of the new… Read More

in Canon discussion
In December, the weather turns colder and even snowy. The first school term ends just before the Christmas holidays. Almost all the students go home for the two-week break but a few stay. They are invited to a Christmas feast which involves magical crackers and quite a bit of alcohol… Read More

in Canon discussion
After the hustle and bustle of September, October sees life settle down quite a bit for students at Hogwarts. The most exciting part of the month is undoubtedly Hallowe’en, the very last day of the month. And in fact, most of the October events in the Harry Potter canon are… Read More

in Canon discussion
I’ve updated all the entries and artwork that will appear on the home page scroller. The theme this time around is “September.” A lot happens at Hogwarts in the first month of the school year: Quidditch tryouts, the first classes for each subject for the year, the First Years… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In my last podcast, I talked about the first of two magic duels in chapter 36 of Order of the Phoenix, the one between Harry and Bellatrix. Now it’s time to move on to the main event, the massive duel between Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort. There is no… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In this podcast we’re going to take a look at the incredible magical duels in chapter 36 of the Order of the Phoenix. Before we get to the main duel in the chapter, however, that between Voldemort and Dumbledore, we learn a bit about the Unforgivable Curses when… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute / Website news
Season Three is Here! Hello, everyone. Back in January, 2018, I created a new short-form podcast called The Harry Potter Lexicon Minute. I had planned on a shorter title — The Harry Potter Minute — but discovered that there was already a podcast with that… Read More

in Website news
Our featured artist this time around is Felicia Cano. Felicia’s lush, caricature-style artwork captures the true heart of each character. He depiction of Umbridge looming over a small, blonde, big-eared Gryffindor is a great example. The detail is delicious: scads of cat pictures, that evil black quill, and even snarling… Read More

in Website news
Our featured artist this week is NicoPony. Her exquisite drawings capture not only classic scenes and settings but also some unique moments from the books which are seldom if ever illustrated. Here’s a great example: Guest Artist page Gallery… Read More

in Website news
You might have noticed that the website seems to be crashing a lot lately. Believe me, we’ve noticed it too! We are very, very sorry for the inconvenience. The server on which the Lexicon was running has been slowly deteriorating over the past year or so. We’ve been nursing it… Read More

in Website news
Our featured artist this week is Lisa Magnusson. Lisa’s work, done with strong dark lines, muted colors, and carefully-crafted composition, features expressive faces which bring out the deep emotions and glimpses into the internal struggles of the characters. Here’s a great example: Guest Artist page… Read More

in Canon discussion / Website news
The Lexicon is 20 Years Old! To celebrate in true Lexicon fashion, we spent the second half of 2020 celebrating what many consider go be the truest form of Harry Potter canon: the Harry Potter novels. Every week from July through the end of the year we… Read More

in Canon discussion
And we’ve finally reached the end — the last eleven chapters of the last Harry Potter book, plus the epilogue. For the past six months we’ve been exploring a different part of Harry Potter canon in sequence. Back in the late 1990s and 2000s, fans read each of these… Read More

in Canon discussion
Things get darker now all around the wizarding and Muggle worlds. Lord Voldemort’s people have taken over the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron and Hermione have escaped thanks to Hermione’s skills and planning. But nothing is straightforward – arguments, adventures and angst are on the way…. Take a deep breath… Read More

in Canon discussion
Finally, we arrive at the last book of the series. While we know that Harry has decided (along with Ron and Hermione) not to return to Hogwarts this school year, we have still to find out exactly what he has in mind to be able to… Read More

in About Sources
A few weeks ago we talked about some excellent sources of information about the Wizarding World which weren’t novels: the “replica” schoolbooks of Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, as well as Daily Prophet Newsletters and the Famous Wizards cards. Read More

in Canon discussion
In the final six exciting chapters that end this book, revelations, betrayals and death were promised – and so there shall be – but what they also contain is love. Handkerchiefs at the ready? Onwards we go! Podcasts: Episode 25: The Horcrux Conundrum by Nick Moline and Steve VanderArk… Read More

in Canon discussion
What keeps the Wizarding World going? How does it work? The main organisation in the UK is the Ministry of Magic, but there are many more entities that keep things together and Muggle-free. Ready to discover more about these? Onwards we go! Podcasts: OP 7 The… Read More

in Canon discussion
Between having to appear before the Ministry to explain his Patronus charm, many of his fellow students doubting Voldemort’s return, and butting heads with the new Ministry-sent DADA professor, Harry’s been on the defensive….and it’s taking a toll on him. Will Harry be believed at last? And the strange dreams he’s… Read More

in Canon discussion
Where canon information comes from besides the seven Harry Potter books is a long-running question. What we at the Lexicon count as canon is set out on our Sources page. This week we are looking at a few of the other rich sources of canon, including the “replica” schoolbooks… Read More

in Canon discussion
One of the things that readers fall in love with about the books is the depth of information we are given – information that is often only peripheral to the plot, but nevertheless enriches our understanding of the magical world. Some of the more interesting tidbits pertain to the history… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In the early 2000s, Harry Potter fans debated the possible range of dates for the saga. Small clues like the reference to a PlayStation in book four were discussed in detail. — Since the PlayStation wasn’t available until December 1994 in Japan and September 1995 in Europe, some… Read More

in Canon discussion
An unwelcome house guest drives Harry to run away from the Dursleys. Any trouble he might have gotten himself into is waved away in light of a new unsettling threat after Harry’s life. A second threat — a mysterious and terrifying creature — tries to attack on… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Welcome to the third book in the series, The Prisoner of Azkaban! Many fans consider this to be their favorite Harry Potter novel. Harry is another year older, another face-off with Voldemort under his belt. What could be in store for him and his friends this year? Let’s… Read More

in Canon discussion
Several students (and a few other residents) have been mysteriously attacked around the castle. The Trio is working hard to investigate who or what is the mastermind. Ready to have some fun solving the mystery? Here we go! Podcasts: CS 13: Looks Can Be Deceiving… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Welcome to the fifth installment of our celebration series! We’ve been warned not to return to Hogwarts, met some new allies and foes, and accidentally broken one of the most fundamental rules of wizarding society. What a way to start the school year! Ready to… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Now we’re into the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Plenty of connections can be made between this book and book six, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. In fact, book two was originally going to be called Half-Blood Prince! Here’s what Rowling had to say about… Read More

in Canon discussion
In the beginning, everything in the Wizarding World is new. We the readers are finding out things at the same time Harry Potter does. He first hears the word Quidditch from Draco Malfoy when they are getting fitted for robes in Diagon Alley and has to ask Hagrid what it… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Ready to have some fun exploring? Here we go! Podcasts: Trunks by Selena Gallagher Platform Nine and 3/4 by Steve VanderArk How Many Students Are There at Hogwarts? by Steve VanderArk Whatever Happened to Sally-Ann? by Steve VanderArk The Significance of Hallowe’en by Rosie Payne… Read More

in Fandom News / Website news
We at the Lexicon are proud to share this statement alongside other leaders in the Harry Potter fan community: The Harry Potter fandom has been going strong for more than 20 years, and we are so proud to have been there alongside so many,… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute / Website news
Twenty-one years ago, I created a small website to collect and organize information about the Harry Potter novels. I was part of an online discussion group called Harry Potter for Grown Ups, which is just what it sounds like, and we all needed a quick way to… Read More

in Fandom News
A few hours ago, after discussion, we went ahead and retweeted the link to JK Rowling’s essay giving her opinions about the controversy she kicked up with her tweets about trans people, specifically trans women. Over the past few days we also retweeted Emma Watson’s comments and those of… Read More

in Lexicon Podcast
This is an encore presentation of an episode from June, 2011 Steve talks about Pottermore misconceptions, how Rowling changed the online world once before, cool and interesting sources of canon information, Galleons changing the world, the late Quidditch match in book one, and other bits of Potter lore. Links:… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This is an encore presentation of an episode from March, 2018. Mister Tibbles? Mrs Norris? Why do the animals owned by Squibs seem to have similar names? And particularly human-sounding names at that? In chapter two of Order of the Phoenix, we meet Mrs Figg… Read More

in Characters
Quotes from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (UK ed.) Compiled by Lori Damerell ‘My dear Friar, haven’t we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he’s not really even a ghost…’ (PS7) ‘Peeves,’ Percy whispered to… Read More

in Website news
I know it seems like nothing changes around here. That’s only partially true. I say partially because things don’t change fast since everyone working on the site does it in their spare time and on a volunteer basis. So real life being what it is, that means that big changes… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This is an encore presentation of an episode from March, 2018. Today we’re spending a little bit of time with chapter one of Order of the Phoenix. From the very beginning, we’re introduced to the theme of drought. Rowling writes: Cars that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This is an encore episode from February 10, 2018. Chastity, Credence, and Modesty may have seemed like strange names to viewers of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, but they are rooted in the Barebone family’s Puritan past. Not only is the Barebones’s… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This is an encore presentation of an episode from February of 2018. Why do we assume that Ottery St Mary, an actual town in south Devon, is the same village as the one called Ottery St Catchpole in the books? There are a couple of good reasons… Read More

in Canon discussion / Lexicon Podcast
This is an encore broadcast of the first Harry Potter Lexicon Podcast from June of 2011. Welcome to the Harry Potter Lexicon Podcast, in this first episode: Steve introduces the podcast thanks a few people reminiscing about visiting the graveyard in Godric’s Hollow the missing twenty-four hours the mystery… Read More

in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
This is an encore podcast episode originally aired in January of 2018. Did you know that one of Harry’s classmates apparently vanished between first and fifth year? I don’t mean “vanished” in the same way that Montague disappeared into a Vanishing Cabinet only to reappear a few weeks later. I… Read More

in Canon discussion / Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In my last canon thoughts podcast, I talked about the amazing third book in the Potter series, The Prisoner of Azkaban. Now we move on the book four, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I’m always a bit surprised by how many people consider this to be their… Read More