Fandom News
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by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
One of the latest books to come out for Dungeons and Dragons is called Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos. The book is designed to provide D&D players with the opportunity to play as students at a magical school. It’s pretty easy to see the connections to the adventures of Harry and… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
A few hours ago, after discussion, we went ahead and retweeted the link to JK Rowling’s essay giving her opinions about the controversy she kicked up with her tweets about trans people, specifically trans women. Over the past few days we also retweeted Emma Watson’s comments and those of… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
With that headline, you’d probably be thinking that this is about Snape. But you’d be wrong. Snape was only mysterious while we were reading the books. Now that we’re finished, we have Snape pretty much figured out. Rowling did one of her classic “here’s all the answers, you’re welcome” chapters… Read More

by Steve VanderArk and Nick Moline
in Canon discussion / Fandom News / Lexicon Podcast / The Films
The last week or two has just been chock full of new stuff for members of the fandom. We have a new audiobook version of Quidditch through the Ages which also has a dramatization of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup which is particularly entertaining. We have a new gameplay trailer… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
Okay, this one I’m really excited about. As one who has put over 400 hours into Stardew Valley on the XBox, I can say that I am MORE than ready to start role-playing in the Harry Potter universe. The game, Hogwarts Mystery, is scheduled to come out next year. Read More

by Nick Moline
in Fandom News
The July J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World Loot Crate has arrived! Join Nick and Barbara once again as we unbox another box of magical goodness for the Lexicon’s Youtube Channel. This month’s theme is “Defense Against the Dark Arts” and contains items to help you fend off the darkest and most… Read More

by Nick Moline
in Fandom News
It was very early in my life that I became captivated with the worlds of Science Fiction and Fantasy. From Tolkien’s Middle Earth, to C.S. Lewis’s Narnia, to Roddenberry’s Federation, the worlds of my favorite pieces of fiction spurred me on in a myriad of ways. I can trace my… Read More
by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
Josie has posted on her site blog some details about what happened to the Companion. She’s working on fixing all the links now and soon the site will be 100% safe again. You can read her post here: I’ve let her know that we’d be happy to help… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
Back in 2009, I posted about a wonderful Harry Potter website called The Harry Potter Companion. It’s run by an ex-Lexicon editor who did amazing work for our site for many years before leaving to take on other challenges. The Companion goes through the entire Harry Potter series, chapter… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
LootCrate just announced the next installment of their spectacular “J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World” Crates: THE DARK ARTS Their website states: “There’s a darker side of magic and we’re exploring its depths with exclusively-created collectibles, apparel, replicas, and more showcasing the people, places, creatures, and things associated with the Dark Arts of… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
For me, it started with a visit to my son’s house. We were hanging around chatting when I noticed a gray box on the bookshelf with a label on it reading “Firefly Cargo Crate.” I remarked about it since, you know, it was Firefly. He took it down and showed… Read More

by Nick Moline, Steve VanderArk, Patricio Tarantino, Erin Trites and Brianna C.
in Fandom News
As you may know, part of the reason we were hurrying to get the new Lexicon online was because, for the first time in nine years, Potter Fans all have something worth getting us to a bookstore at midnight. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the script of the two part play… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Fandom News
The “new short story” … which really isn’t a short story and really doesn’t tell us much that’s new, but whatever. is jumping on the media blitz bandwagon and giving their picks for casting the movie version, which you’ll find here: Fantasy Cast J.K. Rowling’s New Story This… Read More