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Support Harry Potter in Braille


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The HP Lexicon is happy to promote the fund raising efforts of fellow Potter fans to help put our beloved books (literally) into the hands of blind readers.

The National Braille Press is magically making Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows available in braille the same time as the print edition! Jo and Scholastic have done their part to make this happen. Even though it costs over $50 to make one copy in braille, the NBP is committed to providing them at the normal cost of a print version. In order to do this, the extra cost must be covered with donations. Please support this worthy cause if you are able.

More information can be found here: HP7 yahoo group, where you can discuss and ask questions. They’d love to hear from you if you are in the Boston area and can volunteer time to help make these books!

Money donations can be made here: Support Harry Potter in Braille
or click on the NBP logo to learn more.


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