Hagrid explained wizarding world money to Harry this way: “The gold ones are Galleons. Seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough.”
That may have seemed easy to Hagrid, but it certainly isn’t easy for us Muggles. Thankfully, the Wizard Money Converter is here to make all those conversions for you. No matter if you use pounds, euros, dollars, yen, or any other Muggle currency, the converter will happily change them into Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts, and vice versa.
The exchange rates are current to the hour. You can set a historical date as well, so you can work out how much Harry’s 7 Galleon wand was worth in yen or dollars or rubles back on the 31st of July in 1991 (historical rates are correct as of the end of that day).
And that’s not all. Very soon you’ll find some new magical features added to the converter. We’ll let you know when they’re available.
For the sake of this converter, 1 Galleon = 5 Pounds, as described by J.K. Rowling when asked for a currency conversion (CR). We assume that the exchange rate between Galleons and pounds is static.
For the sake of this converter, 1 Dragot = 1.5 US Dollar. This rate is extrapolated from the fact that the New York Ghost sold for 0.03 Dragots an issue in 1926 (WFT), while the New York Daily News sold for $0.02 per issue in 1926. Assuming that muggle and wizarding newspapers were valued the same in 1926, this leads to our best guess that you need 1.5 dragot for every US Dollar.
Dobby was paid 1 Galleon a week with 1 day off per month. We assume he works 18 hour days at Hogwarts, to calculate the number of hours to each Galleon (122.2 hours per Galleon on a non-leap-year). We can then factor this into a currency we are calling "Dobby Work Hours"
Current (to within the last hour) exchange rates between Pounds and other currencies, as well as historical exchange rates from January 1, 1999 to current day are provided by the Open Exchange Rates API.
Historical Exchange rates from 1971 through 1998 are sourced from The University of British Columbia: Sauder School of Business' PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service.