John Kearns

in What's New
So after a fairly lengthy morning of in-depth research and writing, I have now completely re-vamped our page for the Burrow. Among other things, I determined what floor each room had to fall on, and organized the page accordingly. The explanation for why the floors line up the way… Read More

in Essays
The outside and ground floor of the Burrow are straightforward, but once we start up the rickety stairs, things become a little more tricky to figure out. The first question is, how many bedrooms are there? And then, how do we know where each one is located? How many bedrooms… Read More

in What's New
We’ve been doing lots of work around the site today, as you’ve probably noticed if you’ve looked around. One bigger thing I’ve put together: a page about the Deathly Hallows. Enjoy!… Read More
in Essays / What's New
As part of our quest for the possible meanings of ‘hallows,’ Lexicon friend Bandersnatch kindly agreed to assemble some information for us. The result is an excellent essay which gives us some context for the new book’s title. Enjoy: The Grail Hallows and Harry Potter… Read More
in Website news
John here, with a new essay. It’s written by Ravenclaw Rambler, and is called “In Search of Little Whinging.” It’s a look at the location of Little Whinging and Privet Drive, with a different interpretation from the one previously presented by Nik the Hermit in an equally wonderful essay, “Surrey: Showing… Read More