Editors: Edward Olson and Michele L. Worley
This page indicates all the differences found between the US and UK versions of the text of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Some differences appear in all the books (e.g. Minister of Magic/Minister for Magic) and these are listed on a separate page. If you spot a difference that we didn’t note, please email us.
pp. | U.K. Edition | U.S. Edition | pp. |
7 | a far-distant country | a far distant country | 1 |
7 | The bridge was less than ten years old | The bridge was fewer than ten years old | 2 |
8 | And how dared anyone suggest that it was lack of policemen | And how dare anyone suggest that it was lack of policemen | 2 |
8 | moved over to the windows | moved over to the window | 2 |
9 | a small and dirty oil-painting | a small, dirty oil painting | 3 |
9 | striding forwards with his hand outstretched | striding forward with his hand outstretched | 3 |
10 | gesturing towards the hardest of the chairs | gesturing toward the hardest of the chairs | 4 |
11 | how he had felt | how he felt | 5 |
11 | throw me out of the window | throw me out the window | 6 |
13 | Prime Minister had rather resented | Prime Minister rather resented | 8 |
14 | Fudge had pulled out his wand, conjured two large glasses full of amber liquid out of thin air, pushed one of them into the Prime Minister’s hand and drawn up a chair.
Fudge had talked for over an hour |
Fudge pulled out his wand, conjured two large glasses full of amber liquid out of thin air, pushed one of them into the Prime Minister’s hand and drew up a chair.
Fudge talked for more than an hour |
8 |
15 | Minister had been able to shout | Minister could shout | 9 |
18 | grand effect. The Office | grand effect,” he said. “The office | 13 |
23 | A team of healers […] is examining | A team of healers […] are examining | 18 |
19 | they are. Killed in a room | they are,” he said. “Killed in a room | 14 |
21 | round | around | 15 |
26 | woman called Narcissa | woman named Narcissa | 20 |
27 | street called Spinner’s End | street named Spinner’s End | 21 |
23 | he had toothache | he had a toothache | 18 |
28 | as though it were not usually inhabited | as though it was not usually inhabited | 22 |
31 | Philosopher’s Stone | Sorcerer’s Stone | 25 |
37 | Snape had got to his feet | Snape had gotten to his feet | 32 |
29 | as though it were encased | as though it was encased | 34 |
45 | 4. Agree security questions | 4. Agree on security questions | 42 |
45 | use of Polyjuice Potion | use of the Polyjuice Potion | 42 |
47 | as though the sudden darkness was an | as though the sudden darkness were an | 44 |
48 | your agapanthuses | your agapanthus | 46 |
51 | scared looks at each other | scared looks at one another | 48 |
54 | shagpile carpet | shag carpet | 51 |
56 | Colour-Change Ink | color-change ink [no capitalization] | 54 |
57 | in other words, the moment he | in other words, at the moment he | 56 |
59 | conversation with his headmaster | conversation with the headmaster | 57 |
59 | not to mention doing his best | not to mention done his best | 57 |
59 | outside Hogwarts | outside of Hogwarts | 57 |
66 | furniture flew back to its original place | furniture flew back to it original places | 65 |
67 | Humph | Hmpf | 66 |
68 | so short that they did not | so short they did not | 66 |
70 | Dumbledore crossed the room | Dumbledore strode from the room | 69 |
70 | then strode to the fire | then crossed to the fire | 69 |
73 | He Who Must Not Be Named | He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named | 72 |
73 | He Who Must Not Be Named | He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named | 73 |
74 | watched Dumbledore fastening his travelling cloak and Harry zipping up his jacket | watched Dumbledore fasten his travelling cloak and Harry zip up his jacket | 73 |
75 | spider, spinning a web around him | spider, spinning a web around it | 75 |
80 | onwards | onward | 79 |
81 | nervous voice that he recognized | nervous voice he recognized | 81 |
85 | everybody’s in mortal peril | everybody’s in mortal danger | 85 |
88 | something hard in the pillow-case [Note: hyphen in pillow-case at line break] | something hard inside the pillowcase | 88 |
91 | avoiding each other’s gaze | avoiding one another’s gaze | 92 |
96 | sunlight streaming on to his lap | sunlight streaming into his lap | 97 |
96 | gazed at each other | gazed at one another | 98 |
98 | part of the previous night’s conversation | part of last night’s conversation | 99 |
100 | [OWL table of pass/fail grades in camel-case] | [OWL table of pass/fail grades in upper-case] | 102 |
100 | [OWL results: subject name followed by colon, no separator lines] | [OWL results: no colons, separator lines between subjects] | 102 |
101 | “Exceeds Expectations” in Defence | ‘Exceeds Expectations’ at Defence | 103 |
101 | ‘Outstanding’ in Defence | “Outstanding” at Defence | 103 |
101 | top in Defence | top at Defence | 103 |
102 | heard the prophecy a month ago | heard the prophecy a few weeks ago | 104 |
108 | Amulets: Effective Against Werewolves, Dementors and Inferi [no line break, set in italics] | Amulets Effective Against Werewolves, Dementors, and Inferi [set in a different typeface] |
110 |
109 | Madam Malkin said | Madam Malkin, the owner, said | 112 |
112 | further | farther | 115 |
112 | Ron and Harry’s new robes | Ron’s and Harry’s new robes | 115 |
113 | Why Are You Worrying About You-Know-Who? You SHOULD Be Worrying About U-NO-POO – the Constipation Sensation That’s Gripping the Nation! [set in camel-case and italics] |
116 |
114 | around the head and neck; boxes of | around the head and neck, and boxes of | 117 |
114 | pairs of pants | pairs of briefs | 117 |
114 | Reusable Hangman – Spell It Or He’ll Swing! | REUSABLE HANGMAN – SPELL IT OR HE’LL SWING! [set in small capital letters] | 117 |
115 | through to the back | through the back | 118 |
116 | “And our Decoy Detonators are just walking off the shelves, look,” said Fred, pointing at a number of weird-looking black hooter-type objects that were indeed attempting to scurry out of sight. | “And our Decoy Detonators are just walking off the shelves, look,” said Fred, pointing at a number of weird-looking black horn-type objects that were indeed attempting to scurry out of sight. | 119 |
117 | ‘Do they work?’ | “Do they work?” she asked. | 120 |
118 | put it all back then | put it back then | 122 |
120 | under it nowadays | under the cloak nowadays | 124 |
123 | Borgin squinted at her | Mr. Borgin squinted at her | 127 |
123 | said Borgin coldly | said Mr. Borgin coldly | 127 |
126 | slip in it,’ smiled Harry. | slip in it.” Harry smiled. | 131 |
126 | zat Tonks,’ mused Fleur, examining | zat Tonks,” Fleur mused, examining | 132 |
128 | if he were to tell anyone, Mr Weasley would be the right person | if he was to tell anyone, Mr. Weasley was the right person | 133 |
128 | the prefect carriage | the prefects’ carriage | 133 |
130 | lost from view | lost to view | 136 |
131 | The Quibbler still going | Quibbler still going | 137 |
133 | beamed Luna, and she pushed | beamed Luna. Then she pushed | 139 |
135 | [Slughorn’s note set off in single quotes, signature in italics] | [Slughorn’s note not set off in quotation marks, signature in italics and elaborate script font] | 141 |
135 | as though he were expecting | as though he was expecting | 142 |
136 | great silver moustache | great silvery mustache | 142 |
137 | greeting, and nor did Harry | greeting, nor did Harry | 143 |
137 | wire-haired youth | wiry-haired youth | 143 |
139 | as though he were a particularly | as though he was a particularly | 145 |
140 | Slughorn continued, sounding | Slughorn said, sounding | 147 |
142 | upwards | upward | 149 |
146-147 | His eyes lingered for a moment upon Harry’s trainers. ‘That was you blocking the door when Zabini came back in, I suppose?’
He considered Harry for a moment. ‘You didn’t hear |
His eyes lingered for a moment upon Harry’s trainers.
“You didn’t hear |
153 |
149 | on Harry to his fellow Slytherins | on Harry to Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini, and Pansy Parkinson. | 156 |
149 | where he would be recounting his attack | where he could be recounting his attack | 156 |
149 | and the train began | and they began | 157 |
149 | corridor. Tonks pulled open | corridor. She pulled open | 157 |
149 | momentum. Harry followed her | momentum. He followed her | 157 |
152 | backwards | backward | 160 |
154 | swung open on to the vast | swung open into the vast | 162 |
159 | mention of his name, merely raised | mention of his name; he merely raised | 167 |
160 | your own and each other’s safety | your own and other’s safety | 168 |
163 | miniscule first-year as they joined | miniscule first-year boy as they joined | 171 |
164 | ducked under Hermione’s arm | ducked under her arm | 172 |
165 | timetables | class schedules | 173 |
165 | Humph | Hmph | 174 |
166 | timetable | schedule | 174 |
167 | apart from half a dozen seventh-years | apart from a half dozen seventh years | 175 |
167 | from the fourth-year. It zoomed | from the fourth-year student. It zoomed | 176 |
169 | again, the class watched him | again, the class watched him | 178 |
172 | the Beaters on the previous year’s | the Beaters on last year’s | 180 |
174 | who grinned lazily back | who grinned back lazily | 183 |
177 | made a ‘shush’ing gesture | made a “shhing” gesture | 186 |
178 | There was a silence | There was silence | 188 |
185 | ‘Acid Pops,’ said Harry. The gargoyle | “Acid Pops,” said Harry, and the gargoyle | 196 |
186 | to do with him that evening | to do with him this evening | 196 |
207 | see the marks where that evil | see the marks on the back of your hand where that evil | 219 |
211 | The second group comprised ten | The second group was comprised of ten | 224 |
212 | broad-chested third-year who had | broad-chested third-year boy who had | 225 |
214 | grinned around at the team | grinned at the team | 226 |
215 | flowery pinny | flowery apron | 228 |
216 | timetables | schedules | 229 |
217 | spider, Aragog, that dwelled | spider, Aragog, who dwelled | 230 |
217 | suckers and stings | suckers and stingers | 230 |
218 | when we were there in the summer | when we were there last summer | 231 |
219 | was Confunded. And he was | was Confunded this morning. And he was | 232 |
225 | bed again!’ grinned Ron, helping | bed again!” Ron grinned, helping | 240 |
229 | furry hat and overcoat | furry hat and an overcoat | 243 |
229 | display of Cockroach Cluster. | display of Cockroach Clusters. | 244 |
231 | who was turning slowly purple | who was slowly turning purple | 246 |
232 | She watched them through the door | She watched them go through the door | 246 |
234 | as though she were about to fly | as though she was about to fly | 248 |
235 | trying to quieten her | trying to quiet her | 250 |
245 | mass of memory whence he had come | mass of memory from when he had come | 261 |
249 | drained her own glass in one. | drained her own glass in one gulp. | 265 |
251 | She looked at Dumbledore again | She looked around at Dumbledore again | 268 |
255 | possessions must have been in there | possessions must be in there | 272 |
263 | Ron, meanwhile, who was | Meanwhile, Ron, who was | 281 |
263 | try getting off with McLaggen | try hooking up with McLaggen | 282 |
264 | hit the bowl and it shattered | hit the bowl and shattered it | 282 |
264 | I got off with McLaggen | I hooked up with McLaggen | 282 |
264 | sitting there with the pair | sitting here with the pair | 282 |
268 | kissing fiercely as if glued | kissing fiercely as though glued | 286 |
271 | older-brotherly | elder-brotherly | 289 |
274 | drained it in one | drained it in one gulp | 293 |
275 | Harry smiled vaguely back | Harry smiled back vaguely | 294 |
279 | said Harry, now grinning broadly | said Harry, grinning broadly | 299 |
281 | just in time to see the portrait hole closing | just as the portrait hole was closing | 301 |
281 | look like surfacing soon | look like he would be surfacing soon | 301 |
285 | Charms the following morning | Charms next morning | 304 |
288 | book that’s been written in! | book that’s been written on! | 308 |
290 | greater than Ron’s just then | greater than Ron’s just now | 310 |
294 | a certain amount of giggling from | a certain amount of giggles from | 314 |
294 | set of […] robes that was attracting | set of […] robes that were attracting | 314 |
295 | was a small, bespectacled man | was a small, stout, bespectacled man | 315 |
299 | first lesson, The Draught of Living Death | first lesson, Draught of Living Death | 319 |
299 | what I’d like to be,’ said Harry defiantly. | what I’d like to do,” said Harry defiantly. | 320 |
299 | working from within to bring down the Ministry of Magic using | working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using | 320 |
301 | room . but Harry pressed his ear | room … Harry pressed his ear | 322 |
303 | reliance on assistants | reliance in assistants | 324 |
306 | Fred, who turned it into a paper aeroplane | Fred, who had turned it into a paper airplane | 327 |
306 | sprouts knife at | sprout knife at | 327 |
309 | large wooden wireless. | large wooden wireless set. | 330 |
317 | package which came | package that came | 339 |
320 | checked on her name | checked her name | 342 |
321 | garden and then Percy | garden, and Percy | 343 |
322 | at him, so pretended | at him so he pretended | 344 |
322 | out of the corner of his eyes | out of the corner of his eye | 344 |
325 | to check people really are | to check that people really are | 346 |
331 | before 31st August | before the 31st August next | 354 |
331 | they had a great nerve asking | they had a great deal of nerve asking | 354 |
332 | as though he were a gorilla | as though he was a gorilla | 355 |
333 | object of that day’s Charms lesson | object of today’s Charms lesson | 355 |
333 | Dumbledore’s hands lay either side of it | Dumbledore’s hands lay on either side of it | 356 |
345 | did memories go off? | did memories go bad? | 368 |
346 | Harry recognized Riddle at once. | Harry recognized Voldemort at once. | 369 |
346 | retiring?’ Riddle asked. | retiring?” he asked. | 369 |
347 | Riddle, however, stayed behind. | Voldemort, however, stayed behind. | 370 |
347 | except that Riddle had asked | except that Voldemort had asked | 371 |
347 | see Slughorn or Riddle at all | see Slughorn or Voldemort at all | 371 |
352 | He glanced at Ron | He glanced around at Ron | 376 |
354 | ‘You’ve got a nerve, boy!’ | “You’ve got nerve, boy!” | 378 |
356 | memory,’ said Slughorn. ‘Well? Hasn’t he?’ | memory. Well? Hasn’t he?” | 379 |
358 | Apparition test in this time | Apparition Tests in this time | 382 |
358 | Heads of House | Heads of Houses | 382 |
360 | face the front. | face the front again. | 384 |
361 | concentrate continually upon | concentrate continuously upon | 385 |
361 | lost his balance | lost balance | 385 |
362 | back to Gryffindor Tower | back to the Gryffindor Tower | 386 |
366 | impractical idea; he had lessons | impractical idea; Harry had lessons | 391 |
375 | recounted what felt like | recounted, it felt like | 400 |
379 | brain like his,’ said Hagrid staunchly. | brain like his,” said Hagrid. | 404 |
380 | Heads o’ House | Heads o’ Houses | 406 |
381 | Hagrid and Filch’s raised voices | Hagrid’s and Filch’s raised voices | 406 |
381 | not pleased to be awoken | not pleased to be woken | 407 |
383 | he had been in the Potion master’s room at the time | he had been in the Potions master’s room at the time | 408 |
383 | and that now Harry was | and that now that Harry was | 409 |
386 | changing room | changing rooms | 412 |
387 | dirty-blonde hair, or the necklace | dirty-blonde hair, nor the necklace | 414 |
391 | only just arrived in time for the match | only just arrive on time for the match | 417 |
393 | continued to try to kick | continued to try and kick | 420 |
396 | corridor which was deserted | corridor that was deserted | 423 |
396 | turned into a seventh-floor | turned onto a seventh-floor | 423 |
398 | up to that point | up to this point | 426 |
400 | my staff problems | my staffing problems | 427 |
402 | from him,’ Harry said earnestly | from him,” he said earnestly. | 431 |
403 | the Special Award for Services to | the Award for Special Services to | 431 |
406 | many flourishing pot plants in brass containers | many flourishing potted plants in brass containers | 434 |
409 | scarlet at her words | scarlet at the words | 437 |
409 | was back on its red velvet cushion | was back in its red velvet cushion | 437 |
414 | and who has twice, I think | and who have twice, I think | 442 |
414 | why you – who is so often asked | why you – who are so often asked | 442 |
419 | the only other people still up were | the only other people awake were | 448 |
421 | Fred and George’s Spell-Checking ones | Fred and George’s Spell-Check ones | 449 |
422 | ink all over his essay | ink all over his freshly completed essay | 450 |
430 | in the Prophet about | in the paper about | 459 |
430 | open your books at page | open your books to page | 459 |
430 | organising its things | organizing their things | 459 |
432 | seemed merely to irritate | seemed to merely irritate | 461 |
434 | Harry pulled out the Marauder’s Map | Harry pulled the Marauder’s Map | 463 |
434 | wished Ron and Hermione luck | wished Ron and Hermione both luck | 463 |
440 | narrow, slanting writing | narrow, slanted writing | 470 |
444 | smugness, or excitement, or superiority | smugness, excitement, or superiority | 474 |
444 | wonderful,’ said Slughorn clapping his hands together an hour and a half later, as | wonderful,” said Slughorn an hour and a half later, clapping his hands together as | 475 |
445 | ‘Yeah, I s’pose I’d better,’ said Harry. ‘I don’t reckon I’ll need all of it, not twelve hours’ worth, it can’t take all night…I’ll just take a mouthful. Two or three hours should do it.’ | ‘Yeah, I s’pose I’d better,’ said Harry. ‘I don’t reckon I’ll need all of it, not twenty-four hours’ worth, it can’t take all night…I’ll just take a mouthful. Two or three hours should do it.’ | 476 |
446 | smiling, brimful of confidence | smiting, brimming with confidence | 477 |
449 | there were Acromantula in the Forest | there were acromantulas in the forest | 480 |
450 | but if there were any way | but if there was any way | 481 |
450 | the beast has only just died | the beast only just died | 481 |
451 | face to face with the Acromantula | face-to-face with the acromantulas | 482 |
451 | stopped them eating Hagrid | stopped them from eating Hagrid | 482 |
452 | said Hagrid in a shaky voice | said Hagrid in a shaking voice | 483 |
452 | through the trees and its rays | through the trees now, and its rays | 483 |
454 | Pekinese | Pekingese | 486 |
456 | Slughorn sang plaintively: ‘And Odo the hero, they bore him back home To the place that he’d known as a lad, They laid him to rest with his hat inside out |
And Odo the hero, they bore him back home To the place that he’d known as a lad, sang Slughorn plaintively. They laid him to rest with his hat inside out |
488 |
458 | Harry leant | Harry leaned | 490 |
462 | much younger Horace Slughorn | much younger Slughorn | 494 |
462 | the half a dozen teenage boys | the half-dozen teenage boys | 494 |
469 | maintain his immortality | maintain their immortality | 502 |
469 | transformation he had undergone | transformation he has undergone | 502 |
471 | as you now know, I have made it my business for many years to | as you now know, for many years I have made it my business to | 504 |
471 | But Lord Voldemort use | But would Lord Voldemort use | 504 |
471 | what I have shown you | what I have showed you | 504 |
475 | discredit Arthur, have me thrown out of Hogwarts and get rid of a highly incriminating object in one stroke | discredit Arthur and get rid of a highly incriminating magical object in one stroke | 508 |
475 | if he is secretly glad | if he is not secretly glad | 508 |
475 | his magical power remain | his magical powers remain | 509 |
479 | Harry, but he was in | Harry, but then, he was in | 511 |
486 | known his team fly better | known his team to fly better | 520 |
487 | he was often unable | he was unable | 521 |
487 | inside the Room, he | inside the Room of Requirement, he | 521 |
488 | He couldn’t hear anything. | He could not hear anything. | 521 |
488 | lest Filch should turn up | lest Filch turn up | 521 |
488 | Harry slipped over as Malfoy | Harry slipped as Malfoy | 522 |
492 | large cupboard which seemed | large cupboard that seemed | 526 |
493 | gazing around at the clutter | gazing around at all the clutter | 527 |
493 | he stood it on the cupboard | he stood it on top of the cupboard | 527 |
496 | however, though he knew he little deserved | however, little though he knew he deserved | 530-531 |
499 | triumph, Harry grinned down | triumph, he grinned down | 534 |
501 | forced to revise for hours | forced to study for hours | 536 |
503 | One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi | A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi | 539 |
508 | in my room at the inn. | in my room. | 544 |
512 | as though he were fighting | as though he was fighting | 548 |
516 | fetch your Cloak | fetch your Invisibility Cloak | 551 |
516 | “What does Dumbledore want?” | “What does he want?” | 551 |
516 | ‘I haven’t got much time,’ Harry panted | “I’ve got to be quick,” Harry panted | 551 |
515 | into Hermione’s hand | into Hermione’s hands | 552 |
516 | through the portrait hole towards | through the portrait hole and toward | 553 |
519 | cliff stood behind, a sheer drop | cliff stood behind them, a sheer drop | 555 |
520 | niches that made footholds led down to | niches made footholds leading down | 556 |
522 | he pointed his wand | he now pointed his wand | 558 |
524 | suggestion, but much keener | suggestion. But he was much keener | 561 |
528 | as though an invisible rope were pulling it | as though an invisible rope was pulling it | 565 |
530 | given Ron and Hermione the Felix Felicis | given Ron and Hermione Felix Felicis | 567 |
532 | not want immediately to kill | not want to immediately kill | 569 |
534 | as though he were deeply asleep | as though he was deeply asleep | 571 |
534 | three gobletfuls of the potion | three goblesful of the potion | 571 |
536 | glass; Harry was | glass; then Harry was | 573 |
538 | struggling to cling on to the smooth | struggling to cling to the smooth | 575 |
540 | extreme pallor and his air of exhaustion | extreme pallor and by his air of exhaustion | 577 |
544 | flying behind him in the night air | flying behind him on the night air | 582 |
544 | broom shudder for a moment when | broom shudder when | 583 |
544 | so that they could enter at speed | so they could enter at speed | 583 |
545 | who gestured to him to retreat | who gestured him to retreat | 584 |
546 | some of your guard. | some of your guards. | 585 |
548 | … there is a pair, I take it?’
‘The other’s in Borgin and Burkes,’ said Malfoy |
… there is a pair I take it?”
“In Borgin and Burkes,” said Malfoy |
587 |
552-553 | ‘Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban…when the time comes, we can protect him too… come over to the right side, Draco…you are not a killer…’ | “He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Nobody would be surprised that you had died in your attempt to kill me — forgive me, but Lord Voldemort probably expects it. Nor would the Death Eaters be surprised that we had captured and killed your mother — it is what they would do themselves, after all. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban…when the time comes, we can protect him too. Come over to the right side, Draco…you are not a killer…” | 591 – 592 |
552 | he was suddenly as white as Dumbledore | he was suddenly white as Dumbledore | 591 |
554 | ‘That’s right,’ said Greyback | “That’s right,” said Fenrir Greyback | 593 |
554 | Fenrir Greyback grinned, showing pointed | Greyback grinned, showing pointed | 593 |
554 | He was not looking at Greyback; he | He was not looking at Fenrir; he | 593 |
555 | ‘I’ll do it,’ snarled Greyback, moving | “I’ll do it,” snarled Fenrir, moving | 595 |
558 | Harry felt Greyback collapse | Harry felt Fenrir collapse | 598 |
558 | him; it was the werewolf, Greyback. | him. It was the werewolf, Fenrir. | 598 |
558 | one of the fighters detached themself | one of the fighters detached themselves | 598 |
559 | right behind her. Harry launched | right behind her. He launched | 599 |
559 | bloody footprint which showed | bloody footprint that showed | 600 |
560 | brother and sister Death Eaters running | brother and sister running | 600 |
560 | he leapt over the wreckage | he leapt the wreckage | 600 |
560 | suit of armour which exploded | suit of armor that exploded | 600 |
561 | revealed suddenly from behind clouds | revealed suddenly behind clouds | 602 |
563 | somewhere above him Snape was | somewhere overhead Snape was | 603 |
567 | last half an hour | last half hour | 608 |
568 | beside him.
Harry had known |
beside him. He had known | 608 |
568 | force with which it had hit the ground | force with which it hit the ground | 609 |
571 | ‘Neville’s in the hospital wing, but Madam Pomfrey thinks he’ll make a full recovery, and Professor Flitwick was knocked out, but he’s all right, just a bit shaky. He insisted on going off to look after the Ravenclaws. | “Neville and Professor Flitwick are both hurt, but Madam Pomfrey says they’ll be all right. | 612 |
571 | a Killing Curse the huge blond one | a Killing Curse that huge blond one | 612 |
574-575 | sorry that they were dead.’
‘And Dumbledore believed that?’ |
sorry that they were dead.”
They all stared at him. “And Dumbledore believed that?” |
616 |
575 | She looked disorientated | She looked disoriented | 616 |
577 | Ron had taken the Marauder’s Map | Ron had taken the map | 619 |
578 | said Harry, who in his mind’s eye was watching Snape running up the marble staircase, | said Harry, who was watching Snape running up the marble staircase in his mind’s eye, | 619-620 |
578 | afterwards | afterward | 620 |
578 | up the stairs to the Tower … then | up the stairs … then | 620 |
580 | might be like when he wakes up …’ | might be like when he awakens. . . .” | 622 |
581 | Ron looked as stunned as Harry felt | Ron looked as stunned as he felt | 623 |
586 | governors, who will take the final decision | governors, who will make the final decision | 629 |
588 | ‘Is it really true? | “It is really true? | 630 |
590 | Entrance Hall which was resolved | Entrance Hall that was resolved | 633 |
591 | what he knew it was right to do | what he knew was right to do | 634 |
594 | looking out of the window | looking out the window | 637 |
595 | laid to rest. Harry had never | laid to rest. He had never | 639 |
595 | real to him once the funeral was over | real to him once it was over | 639 |
597 | Leaky Cauldron | Leaky Cauldron in London | 641 |
597 | recognize, but there were a few that he did, including | recognize, but a few he did, including | 641 |
598 | insubstantially in the gleaming air | insubstantially on the gleaming air | 641 |
598 | Fudge walked past them towards | Fudge walked past toward | 642 |
598 | They alone of all the DA had | Neville and Luna alone of the D.A. had | 642 |
598 | The staff were seated at last | The staff was seated at last | 642 |
599 | into both Ginny and Hermione’s laps | into both Ginny’s and Hermione’s laps | 643 |
602 | as though the sunlight was blinding them | as though the sunlight were blinding them | 646 |
604 | favourite ever pupil. | favorite pupil ever. | 648 |
© 2005 Edward Olson, Michele L. Worley, and the Harry Potter Lexicon, used by permission