• Magical effects Several charms are used to make the game of Quidditch possible: The Quaffle is enchanted to make it fall more slowly than would otherwise be the case. This spell was invented by Daisy Pennifold, hence the modern Quaffle is referred to as a Pennifold Quaffle. The Golden Snitch is enchanted… Read More
• Event The Quidditch World Cup 1994 final game is brutal and so fast-paced that Ludo Bagman’s commentary can barely keep up. The Bulgarian National Team’s young Seeker, Viktor Krum, uses his excellent flying skills to catch the Snitch, doing so despite his team being down more than… Read More
• Creature Quintapeds  are highly dangerous carnivores covered in thick reddish-brown hair, having five clubfooted legs and a low-slung body. They have a particular taste for humans. Quintapeds are found only on the Isle of Drear off the north tip of Scotland. There is a fascinating legend about the… Read More