• Schools School plays a big part in the story of Harry Potter as be became the Chosen One and faced Voldemort. Harry attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and there not only learned magical skills but also gained friends who became his allies in his quest against the Dark Lord. Read More
• Schools Smeltings School is Vernon Dursley’s alma mater, and now the school which Dudley’s attends. The Smeltings uniform includes (PS3): maroon tailcoat orange knickerbockers straw boater hat knobbly stick for hitting things (and people) with… Read More
• Schools St. Brutus’s is a boarding school, presumably somewhere in England, that we know absolutely nothing about aside from its name (and that might not even actually exist). We know the name because Vernon Dursley tells neighbours and relatives that it’s the school Harry attends, so they don’t wonder about his… Read More
• Schools The public high school serving Little Whinging, Stonewall High is the school to which Harry would have been sent had he never received his letter for Hogwarts. Dudley would not have joined him; he instead attended Smeltings, a private school (PS3). The uniforms for Stonewall High are a drab… Read More