• Hogwarts The portrait hole is the entrance to the Gryffindor common room located behind the painting of the Fat Lady on the seventh floor of Hogwarts Castle. The hole is only revealed when someone gives the correct password to the Fat Lady causing her to swing aside. Gryffindor students must then… Read More
• Hogwarts Potions classes take place in one of the Hogwarts dungeons, where the air is cooler than the rest of the castle (PS8). Jars full of pickled “slimy things” suspended in liquids line shelfs around the walls (CS5). Possibly the same place as “Dungeon Five” where some “third years… Read More
• Hogwarts Prefect badges are badges bearing the letter “P” that are worn by Hogwarts prefects to indicate that they are prefects. Badges are sent to new prefects just before they start their fifth year (OP9). Read More
• Hogwarts Punishment for rule-breaking students at Hogwarts varied significantly depending on the authority figure doling it out. Some members of the Hogwarts staff and faculty were excessively harsh in disciplining student. Generally, students might have had house points taken away or receive detention. Read More