Pandora Lovegood (Pm) was the wife of The Quibbler editor and mother of Luna, who says she was ‘a quite extraordinary witch who liked to experiment. Killed when one of her spells went badly wrong; Luna, who saw the accident happen, was 9 years old at the time (OP38). Pandora Lovegood looked something like her daughter (DH21).
Spouse: Xenophilius Lovegood, editor of The Quibbler.
Child: Luna Lovegood, member of Dumbledore's Army and naturalist.
Pandora Lovegood
Gender Female
Dates d. 1990s
Species / Race Witch
Family Groups
Lovegood family
First Introduced OP38: The Second War Begins
Pandora: Greek for "all-giving" - Pandora was the first human woman created by the gods. According to myth, she opened a jar which released all evil into the world. (Wikipedia)
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Tags: experiment illnesses and injury innovation mothers spell damage