"I've spent the last five years cultivating luminous pumpkins, flying pumpkins, singing pumpkins and exploding pumpkins...."
-- Dagbert Pips to the Daily Prophet (DP4)

Dagbert Pips was the proprietor of Pumpkins R Us (DP4).
Pips complained to a Daily Prophet reporter that a restriction on Hallowe'en celebrations would hit pumpkin-growers particularly hard (DP4).
Dagbert is Old German for "bright day, shining day" and is a variation of Dagobert.
-- extracted from www.thinkbabynames.com
Pips are fruit seeds.
While the date printed on DP4 is 1 October 1999, the timeframe for these events is 1992-1993.
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Tags: anger celebrations flying growing luminous singing specialists