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Robert McGonagall, The Reverend

The Reverend Robert McGonagall was a Scottish Presbyterian minister. He married Isobel Ross, an 18-year-old, high-spirited witch after they eloped. The pair brought forth three children, Minerva, named after Isobel’s grandmother, Malcolm and Robert Jr. They lived in the manse just outside Caithness, Scotland. It was not until some time after Minerva’s birth that Isobel was unable to hide her abilities from her husband any longer and confessed the truth. The revelation shocked the Reverend McGonagall and though the love between them endured, trust had been broken. Minerva and her father remained close and after she graduated from Hogwarts she returned to live with her parents for the summer before taking a position at the Ministry of Magic. (Pm)



The Reverend Robert McGonagall married Isobel Ross. The pair brought forth three children, Minerva, named after Isobel’s grandmother, Malcolm and Robert Jr.


Musician who played the bagpipes

Robert McGonagall, The Reverend
Gender Male
Dates fl. 1930
Species / Race Muggle
Blood Status Muggle
Profession Scottish Presbyterian minister
Family Groups McGonagall family
First Introduced Pm: Pottermore



The surname McGonagall comes from poet Sir William Topaz McGonagall (Pm).

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