• Common items • Food and drinks In 1926, New Yorker Jacob Kowalski carried a brown leather suitcase full of pastries into a bank order to convince the loan manager Mr. Bingley to give him money for a future bakery.     https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-201909-platform-nine-and-three-quarters.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Character Jacob Kowalski was a good-natured No-Maj factory worker in 1920s New York whose dream was to own a bakery. He fought for America in World War One (WFT). In 1926 Jacob went to a bank in New York City to get a loan for a proposed bakery based on recipes… Read More
• Character James Potter is a young wizard who fought against Voldemort in the 1970s, only to be killed along with his wife Lily while trying to protect their 15-month-old son Harry. James is the father of Harry Potter, and nearly identical to him in appearance except with hazel eyes (OP28). Read More
• Headlines and advertisements Why the Joke’s on the Ministry, Not on the Muggles is an editorial appearing in the Daily Prophet (DP2). This editorial appears on page 11 of the Prophet, and is in response to the disappearance of a London Underground tube train and would appear to be critical of… Read More
• Character Mr Jorkins is a Ministry of Magic spokeswizard (DP4) https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-201909-platform-nine-and-three-quarters.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 4:16 — 4.8MB)Subscribe:… Read More
• Event When MACUSA was founded in 1693 soon after the Salem Witch Trials, Josiah Jackson became the first President (Pm). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-201909-platform-nine-and-three-quarters.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 4:16 —… Read More