by Steve VanderArk
in About Sources
The following changes were released by Rowling’s publishers in the summer of 2004. As of summer, 2005, they had not been included in Scholastic editions. However, both Bloomsbury and Raincoast editions now incorporate the changes. The translators, who work from the Bloomsbury text, are incorporating these changes into their editions of the book as well. PS… Read More

by ED Blanning
in Canon discussion
Both the Sorting Hat and Professor Binns say that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago. Given our assumed timeline that places the books in the early to mid-1990s, that means that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came into existence sometime in the 900s. The four founders, Rowena… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Canon discussion
Way back in the late 90s, the Harry Potter books came out in Britain first, long before the US editions. In fact, it took a whole year for Philosopher's Stone to be Transfigured into Sorcerer's Stone. During that year, the editors at Scholastic changed a lot more than the title. They replaced a lot of British terms which they assumed would confuse American readers.
In some cases, I guess they were probably right. Many Americans would have no idea what a "bobble hat" or a "packet of crisps" was, and in the U.S. a "jumper" Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Canon discussion
Many fans never even noticed that there was a difference. But it’s true. In the Bloomsbury version, Trelawney’s first name is Sybill. In the US, it’s Sibyll. Note the switching of the ‘y’ there. So what’s up with that? For years, I just noted the difference on the Lexicon and left it… Read More