-- Molly Weasley responding to Bellatrix Lestrange's attack on Ginny Weasley (DH36).

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Mrs. Weasley defeats Bellatrix Lestrange in the Great Hall (DH36).
Voldemort cries out in anger when Bellatrix dies.
Timeline Notes
This duel occurs towards the end of the battle, when chaos has ensued in the Great Hall following Harry's disappearance under his invisibility cloak (DH36). Since Voldemort died just after sunrise, which was at about 5:30AM that day, we can assume that Bellatrix died a little after 5AM.
From the Web
The Battle of the Women: A Critical Look at the Molly/Bellatrix Duel by Sophie_atHogwarts
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Tags: anger Bellatrix Remembrall daughters deaths fights parents protection