• Character Raczidian was a Dark wizard who lived in a castle guarded by Dementors (BoS). In a nearby village lived a girl named Eliana and Raczidian chose her for his bride, but her parents refused. In anger, Raczidian sent the Dementors to attack the village, and the wizards who lived there… Read More
• Character Ragnuk the First was a goblin king and one of the goblins who made the Sword of Gryffindor (DH25). After delivering the sword to Gryffindor, Ragnuk conspired to steal it back. Ragnuk spread the lie that Gryffindor had stolen the sword and sent goblins to steal it back. However, Gryffindor… Read More
• Magical effects A deep sense of guilt, sorrow and regret over an act that causes harm to another person. Read More
• Spells Spell that keeps something away from the caster or from a target object that the spell is cast upon. The basic spell for repelling something starts with “Repello” followed by the correct Latinate word for the target to be repelled. Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds • Wizarding places The Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library is at the back, set off with a rope. A signed note from a teacher is required to peruse that section of the library; it contains books of Dark Magic only used by older students studying advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts. One… Read More
• Creature The Runespoor is a magical three-headed snake commonly reaching a length of six to seven feet and colored livid orange with black banding. It is native to Burkina Faso, where several forests are designated as preserves for its sole use. The Runespoor is unique among known magical beasts for… Read More