• Games, toys, and jokes One of the range of sweets found in a Skiving Snackbox, this causes the eater to faint. During the twins’ beta tests on the volunteer Gryffindor first years, the eater remained unconscious until fed the antidote by someone else. Hermione found these testing methods alarming (OP13). Read More
• Games, toys, and jokes Fake wands joke items which were sold in magical joke shops. Those made by Fred and George were particularly good. Although these items look just like normal wands, when used they do something funny. The cheaper varieties would change into something silly such as rubber chickens, pairs of underpants, a… Read More
• Food and drinks • Games, toys, and jokes One selection in the Weasley Twins’ Skiving Snackboxes (OP6). Read More
• Games, toys, and jokes Dr. Filibuster’s Fabulous Wet-Start No-Heat Fireworks can be purchased in Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop (CS4). Fred and George famously created their own line of magical fireworks which featured fiery creature which almost seemed to be intelligent. Read More