• Character Ignatius Tuft was Minister for Magic from 1959 to 1962. He succeeded his mother, Wilhelmina, in the office by capitalizing on her popularity following her untimely death. He was forced to resign after promising to institute a controversial Dementor breeding program. Read More
• Character Igor Karkaroff was Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute and a former Death Eater. Karkaroff turned in other Death Eaters to the Wizengamot in order to save himself from Azkaban. He ran for his life in June 1995 when the Dark Mark burned into his arm showed that… Read More
• Character Illyius was a shy wizard who saved his village from Dementors by using his mouse Patronus. Read More
• Spells One of the Unforgivable Curses, this spell causes the victim to be completely under the command of the caster, who can make the victim do anything the caster wishes. A victim of this spell is said to have been Imperiused. Read More
• Creature The Inferi are animated corpses who do the bidding of the Dark wizard who created them, like gruesome puppets (HBP4, HBP21). The singular form of the word is Inferius (HBP3, HBP9, HBP21). … Read More