Sirius Black Timeline

The Marauders start at Hogwarts
Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Lily Evans, and Severus Snape start their first year at Hogwarts; all are sorted into Gryffindor except Snape, who is made a Slytherin (DH33). Read More
The Marauders finally learn the complex spells necessary to become Animagi
Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew then begin to accompany Remus Lupin when he transforms into a werewolf, affecting his ability to maintain some semblence of humanity during his otherwise terrible transformations. Read More
Sirius Black runs away from home
He subsequently goes to live with James Potter and his parents, who treat Sirius as a second son. The Black family disowns Sirius and removes him from the family tree. Read More
The Marauder's Map is written
Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter explore the castle and grounds in their Animagus forms and learn more about the secrets of the place than anyone, even Filch. They then create the Marauder’s Map, signing it with their nicknames: Moony (Lupin), Wormtail (Pettigrew), Padfoot (Sirius), and Prongs… Read More
Sirius Black plays a fateful practical joke on Severus Snape
Snape is intensely curious about where Remus Lupin goes each month. Sirius jokingly suggests that Snape follow Lupin through the passage beneath the Whomping Willow. James Potter, realizing that Snape would encounter a full-blown and very dangerous werewolf at the end of the passage, stops Snape from going through, thereby… Read More
James Potter publicly humiliates Severus Snape
During a break from testing in their fifth year, the group of Gryffindor friends known as the Marauders – James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black – are sitting outside on the Hogwarts grounds near the lake with their classmates. James releases and catches a stolen Snitch, Remus studies, and… Read MoreJames and Lily are made Head Boy and Girl
James and Lily are both in Gryffindor. Lily Evans had very likely been a Gryffindor Prefect but James was not. Read MoreThe Marauders sit their N.E.W.T.s and leave Hogwarts
Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, and Severus Snape sit their N.E.W.T.s and leave Hogwarts. Read More
Order of the Phoenix photographed
The Order of the Phoenix arose in the 1970s to fight the first rise of Lord Voldemort. At a dinner at the Burrow before Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts, Mad-Eye Moody shows Harry an early photograph of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, including his dead… Read More
Sirius Black is James Potter's best man
Sirius is best man when James Potter marries Lily Evans (PA11). Read More
Regulus Black dies in the sea cave
In 1979, Voldemort demanded the use of a house-elf, and Regulus sent Kreacher, a family elf that he was very fond of. However, the elf was left behind to die by Voldemort on the secret island in the sea cave where he’d hidden the locket Horcrux. Regulus had commanded Kreacher… Read More
Sirius Black is framed for 13 murders
He is sent by Bartemius Crouch Sr. to Azkaban without a trial. Read More
Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban
He escapes by changing into his dog form and swimming back to the mainland. Read More
Muggle news reports on Sirius' escape
Uncle Vernon finds the report lacking, however, since the television reporter doesn’t even say where this Black person has escaped from: “Hang on!” barked Uncle Vernon, staring furiously at the reporter. “You didn’t tell us where that maniac’s escaped from! What use is that? Lunatic could be coming up the street… Read More
Sirius Black sneaks into Gryffindor Tower in search of Pettigrew
Ron’s screams drive him out, and Ron becomes an instant celebrity. Neville, meanwhile, is completely disgraced when McGonagall figures out he left the Gryffindor Tower passwords lying around. Read More
Peter Pettigrew, disguised as Scabbers the rat, is cornered and revealed
In the Shrieking Shack, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin explain the story of Pettigrew – and the story of the Marauders (PA17, PA18) Outside the shack, though, it’s a full moon – and Lupin transforms into a werewolf. In the confusion, Pettigrew escapes (PA20) and spends the… Read More