"There’s me," said Moody.... "And there’s Dumbledore beside me, Dedalus Diggle on the other side … that’s Marlene McKinnon.... That’s Frank and Alice Longbottom.... and that’s Emmeline Vance.... that there’s Lupin.... Benjy Fenwick.... That’s Edgar Bones.... Sturgis Podmore.... Caradoc Dearborn.... Hagrid, of course.... Elphias Doge.... Gideon Prewett.... and his brother Fabian.... That’s Dumbledore’s brother Aberforth.... that’s Dorcas Meadowes.... Sirius.... Harry’s.... mother and father were beaming up at him.... a small, watery-eyed man.... Wormtail" (OP9)

The Order of the Phoenix arose in the 1970s to fight the first rise of Lord Voldemort.
At a dinner at the Burrow before Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts, Mad-Eye Moody shows Harry an early photograph of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, including his dead parents (OP9).
Timeline Notes
This photo would have been taken toward the end of the 1970s, probably in 1979, after James, Lily, and Sirius left Hogwarts (1978).