"My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat."
-- Albus Dumbledore (GF24)

Charms are a type of magic spell concerned with enchanting an object to behave in a way that isn’t normal for that object. For example, the Summoning Charm brings an object to the caster. Charms is also something of a catch-all for spells that aren’t Transfiguration (spells that change the inherent nature of an object). In some sense, if a spell isn’t Transfiguration, it’s probably a Charm.
References from the canon
- A Charm adds properties to an object or creature, while Transfiguration changes the object or creature into something else (Pm).
- Curses, jinxes and hexes are known as Dark Charms, and therefore not included in The Standard Book of Spells 1 by Miranda Goshawk (Pm).
- This is not to say that regular Charms are weaker magic; a well-chosen Charm is a powerful magical tool against curses, jinxes, and hexes. Professor Flitwick, the Hogwarts Charms teacher, was rumored to have once been a duelling champion, after all (CS11).
- Many of the early charms learned by young wizards can be broken easily, and wear off within hours or days (Pm).
- Creatures of a large size such as trolls have thick skin which can repel charms (Pm). This fact probably applies to giants and dragons as well.
- A Charm might cause something to flash different colors. It might cause an object to levitate or even fly through the air. Charms can make a person laugh or dance or even create a bubble of breathable air around a person's head. In all of these cases, the object or the person doesn't really change, they just do something unexpected.
- Some Charms can be extremely powerful. The Fidelius Charm, for example, can completely hide a person or a place in such a way that no one can find them unless they are given the location by a Secret Keeper (PA10). Memory Charms can be so strong that they completely remove a person's memory or even damage his or her mind permanently (CS16).
Charms classes at Hogwarts
- First Year:
Hallowe'en: started Wingardium Leviosa
Exam: make a pineapple dance across the desk - Second Year:
During Duelling Club Snape taught the Disarming Charm - Third Year:
Cheering Charms
In private lessons, Lupin taught Harry the Patronus Charm - Fourth Year:
Summoning Charm
Banishing Charm - Fifth Year
Silencing Charms
Create legs on teacups
O.W.L.: Colour Change Charms, Summoning Charms - Sixth Year
Charms Spells
- Alohomora Charm
- Anti-Cheating Charms
- Anti-Gravity Mist
- Armour-Bewitching Charm
- Atmospheric Charm
- Banishing Charm
- Bird-Conjuring Charm
- Bond of Blood
- Braking Charm
- Bubble-Head Charm
- Caterwauling Charm
- Charm To Cure Reluctant Reversers, A
- Cheering Charm
- Colour Change Charm
- Concealment Charm
- Confundus Charm
- crop-related charms
- Cushioning Charm
- Defensive Charm
- Disarming Charm
- Disillusionment Charm
- Drought Charm
- Engorgement Charm
- Fidelius Charm
- Fixing Charm
- Flame-Freezing Charm
- Flashing Paint Charm
- Freezing Charm
- Gripping Charm
- grooming charms
- Growth Charm
- Hair-Thickening Charm
- Hardening Charm
- Homorphus Charm
- Horton-Keitch Braking Charm
- hot air charm
- Hover Charm
- Imperturbable Charm
- Invisibility Charm
- knitting charm
- Levitation Charm
- Locomotion Charms
- Memory Charm
- Mending Charm
- Muggle-Repelling Charm
- Obliteration Charm
- Patronus Charm
- Permanent Sticking Charm
- Peskipiksi Pesternomi
- Protean Charm
- Revealing Charm
- Scarpin's Revelaspell
- Scouring Charm
- Severing Charm
- Shield Charm
- Shrinking Charm
- Silencing Charm
- Slug-Vomiting Charm
- Softening Charm
- Stunning Spell / Stupefying Charm
- Substantive Charm
- Summoning Charm
- Supersensory Charm
- Talon-Clipping Charms (dragon care)
- Tickling Charm
- The Trace
- Unbreakable Charm
- Undetectable Extension Charm
- Unlocking Charm
- Wand-Extinguishing Charm
- Wand-Lighting Charm
- Water-Making Spell
"to recite or cast a magic spell," from Old French charmer
When asked which teaching post at Hogwarts she would most like to teach, Rowling responded, "Oh I think definitely Charms - I see that as the most imaginative bit of magic because you're adding properties to an object." (Nr)
From the Web
"Charm" from Harry Potter Wiki