“Oh, all right, all right. “But we’ll take turns wearing it, so nobody keeps it on for too long.”
-- Hermione Granger

On the run after escaping the Ministry, Harry, Ron and Hermione set up camp at the edge of a small town. Harry then takes his Invisibility Cloak and goes into the town in search of food. However, he does not get very far before he encounters dementors and discovers that he is unable to conjure a patronus. He reports this to Ron and Hermione, feeling defeated. Tired and hungry, the three friends have begun to bicker when Hermione remembers that Harry has been wearing the locket Horcrux for safekeeping. She tells him to take it off, and he immediately feels better after doing so. They decide that they will take turns wearing the locket, to minimize its effect. (DH15)
One possible influence on the whole camping portion of DH, including the trio's interactions and the influence of the locket, is the 1999 horror film The Blair Witch Project, which is about three young people who spend night after night in a tent in the woods while trying to reach safety and having extremely intense interpersonal conflicts - all while under the shadow of (what can at least be interpreted as) an evil magical force or presence of some sort. -BB