• Character A statue of this wizard stands on the seventh floor of Hogwarts Castle, just to the right of the top of the stairs leading down to the floor below, between the stairs and the Fat Lady’s portrait (OP13). Read More
• Event Lavender receives a letter informing her that her young pet rabbit, Binky, has been killed by a fox. She takes this upsetting news as evidence of Professor Trelawney’s powers of prediction, but Hermione tries to point out why that is a flawed conclusion (PA8). Lavender believes the… Read More
• Character Leta Lestrange was a close friend of Newt Scamander at Hogwarts. The two of them were outsiders and shared a love for magical creatures. They became friends at age 13, when an unhappy Leta was being chased by Professor McGonagall for casting a spell on another student. Running to… Read More
• Event A second letter arrives for Harry in the post addressed to ‘Mr. H. Potter, The Smallest Bedroom, 4 Privet Drive.’ Harry, Uncle Vernon, and Dudley wrestle over the letter. Vernon wins the fight and gets rid of the letter (PS3). Read More
• Page Books by Steve Vander Ark About The Reader’s Guide series Welcome to the Harry Potter Lexicon Reader’s Guide series. Each Guide expands a reader’s understanding of and appreciation for the books in the Harry Potter series of books by J.K. Rowling. The commentary and annotations presented are the observations… Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds • Rooms, chambers, and floors The Hogwarts library contains tens of thousands of books on thousands of shelves (PS12). Included in its many sections is an Invisibility Section (CS11), a section with information about dragons (PS14), and a Restricted Section at the back, set off with a rope. A signed note from… Read More
• Spells Madam Pince puts a variety of spells and curses on the books in the Hogwarts library to make sure that kids don’t damage them. (At least, not twice…) c.f. THIEF’S CURSE. Read More
• Hogwarts Lighting at Hogwarts generally comes from candles and other fires since the castle does not use electricity. Read More
• Character Neville Longbottom is the son of Frank and Alice Longbottom, famous and well-liked Aurors who were tortured into madness by the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange. The Longbottoms are one of the few pureblood families in the wizarding world. Neville is a staunch friend of… Read More
• Character Lord Voldemort, born Tom Marvolo Riddle, was the son of Merope Gaunt (a descendent of Salazar Slytherin) and Tom Riddle, a handsome, wealthy Muggle from Little Hangleton whom Merope ensnared with a love potion. When her husband found out she was a witch, he abandoned her while she was pregnant… Read More
• Event Lord Voldemort sets up a meeting with the recently-appointed Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, to ask for the Defense Against the Darks Arts position at Hogwarts. However, Dumbledore pointed out that Voldemort was certainly aware that the headmaster would never have offered that position to him and asked what his true… Read More
• Magical effects Love is perhaps the most powerful ancient enchantment, with the potential to counteract the Dark Arts and transform lives. Read More
• Character Lucius Malfoy is the patriarch of the prestigious pure-blood Malfoy family, father of Draco Malfoy and one of Voldemort’s top Death Eaters. Lucius was a Death Eater during Voldemort’s first “reign of terror.” However after the Dark Lord disappeared, Malfoy “came back saying he’d never meant any of it” (… Read More
• Character Remus Lupin was a contemporary of James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew (together they were known as “The Marauders“) (PA18, WW) and he was appointed as a prefect from his fifth year at Hogwarts School (OP9). He became a professor… Read More