• Source Harry mulls over what he heard about Sirius Black, almost everyone has gone on holiday, Harry, Ron and Hermione go to visit Hagrid, find him distraught about Buckbeak’s hearing before the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, and they begin seeking precedents… Read More
• Source Both Harry and Ron are angry with Hermione for reporting the Firebolt to Professor McGonagall, Oliver Wood tries to get it back, classes resume, Professor Lupin teaches Harry the Patronus Charm to use against Dementors, Harry asks repeatedly about his Firebolt… Read More
• Source Ron and Hermione’s anger grows, Quidditch practice resumes, Gryffindor plays Ravenclaw and wins despite Slytherin’s attempts to sabotage the match by dressing as Dementors. Gryffindor celebrates into the night while Hermione studies. Sirius Black gets into the dorm and apparently slashes… Read More
• Source OWLs and NEWTs are coming up and everyone is studying, exam week arrives, Buckbeak’s appeal is scheduled, Professor Trelawney unknowingly predicts the return of the Dark Lord, Harry, Ron and Hermione use the invisibility cloak to visit Hagrid, try to… Read More
• Source Harry, Ron and Hermione start back to the castle, Crookshanks chases Scabbers, and a big black dog drags Ron into a tunnel under the Whomping Willow. Crookshanks stops the tree from attacking Harry and Hermione, and they follow the cat down the tunnel to… Read More
• Source They go back through the tunnel towards the castle, Sirius Black invites Harry to live with him, Remus Lupin becomes a werewolf when the moon comes out and Black transforms into a dog to prevent him from attacking Harry, Ron and Hermione,… Read More
• Source Harry awakens in hospital, desperately tries to tell Sirius Black’s side of the story but is not believed until Albus Dumbledore arrives, who tells Hermione to use her Time-Turner (which she had been using to increase the amount of classes she could attend) to go… Read More
• Source Harry and Hermione safely return to the Hospital Wing, where Professor Snape arrives to blame them for Sirius Black’s escape but cannot prove it. Professor Lupin resigns, returning the invisibility cloak and Marauder’s Map to Harry. Term ends, Harry, Ron and… Read More
• Source The students leave the Leaky Cauldron for Hogwarts, board the train, discuss Hogsmeade and a sleeping Professor Remus Lupin prevents a fight with Malfoy. The train is boarded by Dementors, Harry passes out, Professor McGonagall wants a word with Harry and… Read More
• Source Defence Against the Dark Arts remains a favorite, Quidditch practice begins, Crookshanks goes after Scabbers, tension builds between Ron and Hermione, Harry is denied permission to visit Hogsmeade, Professor Lupin talks to him about fear, Professor Snape brews a potion… Read More
• Source The students are gathered in the Great Hall for the night, Quidditch practice continues, DADA classes are taken over by Professor Snape when Professor Lupin falls ill, Peeves wakes Harry, Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in a thunderstorm, Harry sees… Read More
• Common items Parchment, specially treated animal skin used for writing on, is frequently used in place of paper in the wizarding world. Read More
• Character Jimmy Peakes was a Gryffindor student from 1994 to 2001, and a Beater on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Read More
• Character Peeves is a poltergeist — not a ghost, but an “indestructible spirit of chaos” that haunts the halls of Hogwarts (JKR). He is a little man dressed in loud, outlandish clothes including a bell-covered hat and an orange bow tie. Compared to the Hogwarts ghosts, he is solid-looking, not pearly… Read More
• Magical artifacts A Pensieve is a shallow stone basin with ancient Saxon runes and symbols carved around the edge used to collect and view memories (GF30, Pm). When in use, a silvery light shines from its contents, which are bright, whitish silver, and cloud-like, moving ceaselessly. Harry thought the stuff in… Read More
• Event Percy Weasley is very proud and pleased with himself when he is appointed Head Boy shortly before the start of his seventh year at Hogwarts (PA4). Read More
• Event When he is about to begin his fifth year at Hogwarts, Percy Weasley is made a prefect. For this, his parents buy him a screech owl called Hermes (PS5, CS3, PA5). In turn, Percy hands his pet rat, Scabbers, down to his brother Ron (PA4). Read More
• Character Sally-Anne Perks was a witch who started her first year of Hogwarts in 1991 (PS7). Read More
• Magical effects Not a spell so much as a magical effect, caused by seeing the reflected eyes of a basilisk. Read More
• Character Phineas Nigellus Black was the great-great-grandfather of Sirius Black, who has been known to refer to him as the least-popular Headmaster Hogwarts has ever had (OP6). Read More
• Character Phyllida Spore was a famous herbologist and the author of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi (PS5). Read More
• Character Librarian at Hogwarts who looks like an underfed vulture (CS10) with a shriveled face, and who spends more time policing the library than helping with research (OP29). Pince is highly suspicious of the students and places nasty spells on books to make sure they’re returned on time:… Read More
• Source PmP is a collection of three e-books, collectively entitled Pottermore Presents. The e-books contain writings by Rowling also available on the Pottermore website, with a few odds and ends of new information. The most extensive additions are new writings about Animagi and Horace Slughorn, with a few extra… Read More
• Source Pottermore was a website by J. K. Rowling intended to become the permanent online home for Harry Potter. The site opened for a limited beta release in September of 2011 and for the general public in April of 2012. The website as originally conceived was to… Read More
• Character Polly Chapman was an attractive, confident Hogwarts student in the same year as Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy – neither of whom she held in particularly high regard. She tended to say rather harsh – but honest – things (CC1.4, CC2.11, CC3.2, CC4.14). Read More
• Creature A poltergeist is a magical creature created from rampant and uncontrolled emotion — not a ghost, but an “indestructible spirit of chaos” (JKR). Poltergeists manifest themselves by moving or throwing objects around the place where such emotions are found. Poltergeists are often found where there are children or teens due to their chaotic… Read More
• Character Pomona Sprout was a squat little witch with fly-away gray hair who taught Herbology at Hogwarts. In the greenhouses, Sprout had to deal with a wide variety of magical plants, some of which were very strange and even dangerous. She handled them all with aplomb, even the… Read More
• Character The Hogwarts school matron (U.S.: “nurse”), who is very adept with curing spells, potions, herbs, and other remedies. Harry thinks of her as “a nice woman, but very strict” (PS17). Among other things we’ve seen her regrow bones (CS10), cure a poisonous dragon bite (PS14), fix Eloise… Read More
• Art and Culture Hogwarts is a place of many surprises. Not only are the doors and staircases unusual, but also the paintings on the walls act in ways a visitor might not expect. The paintings are practically full-fledged Beings. They speak and interact, not just with the humans in the castle but even… Read More
• Hogwarts academics Potions class is the study of potion-making. All students take potions through their fifth year and take the potions O.W.L., but only selected students continue on through sixth and seventh years to take N.E.W.T.s in the subject. The study of potions directly relates to the study of Herbology and Care of… Read More
• Rooms, chambers, and floors Potions classes are held in a dungeon classroom, large enough to hold at last twenty students, their cauldrons, and their work tables. The classroom is quite cold, especially in the winter, when students can see their breath. There are pickled animals in glass jars along the walls (PS8). There… Read More
• Hogwarts Potions classes take place in one of the Hogwarts dungeons, where the air is cooler than the rest of the castle (PS8). Jars full of pickled “slimy things” suspended in liquids line shelfs around the walls (CS5). Possibly the same place as “Dungeon Five” where some “third years… Read More
• Titles, nicknames, and honorifics The potions professor at Hogwarts is the Potions Master, therefore it is a job title that goes with the position. Read More
• Wizarding culture The so-called “potions riddle” was a logic puzzle set up at Hogwarts to protect the Philosopher’s Stone. The riddle was devised by Severus Snape on the assumption that many brilliant practitioners of magic were very poor logicians. Read More
• Hogwarts Prefect badges are badges bearing the letter “P” that are worn by Hogwarts prefects to indicate that they are prefects. Badges are sent to new prefects just before they start their fifth year (OP9). Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds • Rooms, chambers, and floors • Wizarding places A very luxurious private bathroom reserved for Hogwarts prefects. It is located on the Fifth Floor of Hogwarts castle and features an enormous bathtub and magical water taps. Read More
• Glossary • Titles, nicknames, and honorifics Some of the older pupils (students) in many secondary (12-18) schools are given duties supervising the younger children and assisting the teachers in maintaining discipline. Prefects are usually the most outstanding or best behaved students, but in some schools all the upper year pupils share prefect duties. Read More
• Character Prendergast was a professor at Hogwarts at the time of Leta Lestrange and Newt Scamander (CG). Professor Prendergast must not have been a fan of Newt’s love for all creatures because he gave Newt a month’s detention for saying “there are no strange creatures, only blinkered people,” a quote which… Read More
• Character Graham Pritchard was a Hogwarts student who was sorted into Slytherin in 1994 (GF12). Read More
• Character Binns is the History of Magic teacher and the only professor at Hogwarts who is a ghost. Binns enters the classroom through the blackboard. He is ancient and shriveled in appearance, semi-transparent and a pearly-white color. After living to a great age, Binns died after falling asleep in front of… Read More
• Character Quirinus Quirrel was a young wizard with a “brilliant mind,” was a professor of Muggle Studies, and later of Defence Against the Dark Arts, at Hogwarts (PS5, BLC). In between holding these two posts he took a year off to gain experience dealing with Dark Arts… Read More
• Character Professor Sinistra was a professor of Astronomy at Hogwarts during the 1990s (JKR, CS11, GF12, GF23, OP12, OP13, OP14). Sinistra helped carry Justin Finch-Fletchley‘s Petrified body to the hospital wing in 1992 (CS11). She danced a two-step with Moody at… Read More
• Character Professor Vector was the Arithmancy professor at Hogwarts. She had a reputation for being a strict teacher and was known to give a lot of complicated homework. Hermione Granger loved her class, but others were a bit less enthusiastic about taking Arithmancy from Vector (PA12, GF13, HBP24). Read More
• Character Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank is an elderly witch with closely cropped gray hair and a very prominent chin who teaches Care of Magical Creatures. Professor Grubbly-Plank was the supply teacher (US: “substitute”) who covered for Hagrid when he was indisposed after Christmas break (January 1995, GF24) and again when he was off negotiating… Read More
• Character Proudfoot was an individual who worked as an auror for the Ministry of Magic. Along with fellow aurors Tonks, Dawlish, and Savage, Proudfoot was stationed at Hogwarts during Harry Potter’s sixth year (HBP8). Read More
• Source Harry discovers that it is Quirrell who is after the Stone and serving Voldemort, not Snape. Quirrell tries to use the Mirror of Erised to find the Stone but the Mirror gives it Harry. Voldemort realizes this and as part of Quirrell orders the professor to kill Harry, who… Read More
• Source Hagrid arrives at the hut and informs Harry that he is a wizard and has been accepted into Hogwarts. Harry also learns the truth about the deaths of his parents and the origin of the scar on his forehead, much to the chagrin of his uncle. Read More
• Source Uncle Vernon takes Harry to King’s Cross station and leaves him there. Harry meets the Weasleys who help him get to Platform Nine and Three Quarters and settled on the train. Here he gets to know Ron and meets Hermione as the train rumbles to Hogwarts. Upon… Read More
• Source Professor McGonagall tells the first-years a bit about the school and they are sorted into Houses by the Sorting Hat. Then Dumbledore welcomes them, they have a feast and find their dormitory for their first night at Hogwarts. Read More
• Source Harry is pointed out and stared at by everyone in the school as he starts his first day of classes and meets his teachers, visits Hagrid, and learns about the Gringotts break-in. Read More
• Food and drinks Pumpkin juice, which is usually served iced, available on the Hogwarts Express and at Hogwarts (GF12, GF31). Read More
• Gardens and farms • Hogwarts castle and grounds A small pumpkin patch is located behind Hagrid’s hut and enclosed by a fence. Hagrid grows magically large pumpkins in his pumpkin patch (CS7, PA21). Harry sees twelve enormous pumpkins there during his second year (CS7). Read More
• Hogwarts Punishment for rule-breaking students at Hogwarts varied significantly depending on the authority figure doling it out. Some members of the Hogwarts staff and faculty were excessively harsh in disciplining student. Generally, students might have had house points taken away or receive detention. Read More