• Character Morag Macdougal was a Ravenclaw student who was in the same year as Harry Potter at Hogwarts (PS7). Read More
• Character Madam Hooch is the Quidditch coach and flying instructor at Hogwarts. She teaches basic broom skills to First Years and referees the Quidditch matches between the House teams. Hair: gray, cut short. Eyes: yellow, hawk-like. Expertise: Quidditch coach and Referee, Flying teacher (PS9, CS10,… Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds • Quidditch places • Rooms, chambers, and floors Madam Hooch’s office is somewhere within the grounds of Hogwarts, possibly in the castle itself. It is only mentioned in CS10 when a school Bludger, which was supposedly kept safe in her office, was jinxed. Read More
• Event Both boys get fitted for their Hogwarts robes at the same time. But Draco talks about Quidditch, being spoiled by his parents, his confidence in being sorted into Slytherin, unkind things he’s heard about Hagrid (who is waiting outside with ice cream), and his belief that Muggle-borns shouldn’t be allowed… Read More
• Character Librarian at Hogwarts who looks like an underfed vulture (CS10) with a shriveled face, and who spends more time policing the library than helping with research (OP29). Pince is highly suspicious of the students and places nasty spells on books to make sure they’re returned on time:… Read More
• Trivia In PS9 we read, “Neville was trying to remember what he’d forgotten when Draco Malfoy, who was passing the Gryffindor table, snatched the Remembrall out of his hand.” Since the Slytherin table is on the opposite side of the room from the Gryffindor table, and is actually the table… Read More
• Character Lucius Malfoy is the patriarch of the prestigious pure-blood Malfoy family, father of Draco Malfoy and one of Voldemort’s top Death Eaters. Lucius was a Death Eater during Voldemort’s first “reign of terror.” However after the Dark Lord disappeared, Malfoy “came back saying he’d never meant any of it” (… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Caves and vaults • Creatures' homes, lairs, and territories • Mythological and legendary places references: …the tap glowed with a brilliant white light and began to spin. Next second, the sink began to move; the sink, in fact, sank, right out of sight, leaving a large pipe exposed, a pipe wide enough for a man to slide into. It was like rushing down an… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Wizarding villages Map by Shaun Hately, from a sketch by Steve Vander Ark … Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Dungeons Places of Interest Snape’s Potions classroom and office Slytherin common room and dormitories Assorted chambers and corridors, leading to the Philosopher’s Stone Dungeon large enough to host a Deathday party Dungeon 5 (so, presumably, dungeons 1-4 as well) And, I would guess, Snape’s rooms Note:… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds First Floor Places of Interest Hospital Wing Professor McGonagall’s office Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom Muggle Studies classroom History of Magic classroom Note: numbers are added to indicate possible classrooms but those rooms are not further identified. Events Minerva McGonagall’s classroom gives her a clear… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Second Floor Places of Interest Defense Against the Dark Arts office (belonging at various times to Lockhart, Lupin, Moody, and Umbridge) The swiveling staircase A hidden staircase that rises two floors and includes a trick step Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom and the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets Slughorn’s… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Third Floor Places of Interest Trophy Room Armor gallery The Charms corridor Fluffy’s corridor Note: numbers are added to indicate possible classrooms but those rooms are not further identified. Events When Filch nearly catches Harry and Ron waiting for Malfoy to appear, they sneak into the… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Fifth Floor Places of Interest Prefect’s Bathroom Swamp (courtesy of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes) Statue of Gregory the Smarmy and secret corridor Possible entrance to Ravenclaw common room and dormitories Note: numbers are added to indicate possible classrooms but those rooms are not further identified. Events Prefects,… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Fourth Floor Places of Interest The Library, particularly the Restricted Section Room containing the Mirror of Erised Mirror, behind which is a “roomy passageway” Note: Except for the numbered areas of the library, numbers are added to indicate possible classrooms but those rooms are not further… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Ground Floor Places of Interest The Entrance Hall The Great Hall The Staff Room Filch’s office Classroom 11 Note: numbers are added to indicate possible classrooms but those rooms are not further identified. Events The Entrance Hall seems to be the normal meeting place for students. Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Seventh Floor Places of Interest The Gryffindor common room Entrance to Dumbledore’s office The Divination classroom The Room of Requirement Flitwick’s office Events During Fifth Year, the Room of Requirement hosted the first meetings of Dumbledore’s Army. After one of the students hinted at this to… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Sixth Floor Places of Interest Boy’s bathroom Note: numbers are added to indicate possible classrooms but those rooms are not further identified. Events Harry spots Malfoy in this bathroom, and (for some reason) decides to investigate. He walks in on Malfoy and Myrtle. Malfoy is crying,… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Hogwarts castle and grounds Towers 8th floor 9th floor 10th Floor – Highest point, top of the Astronomy Tower Places of Interest Dumbledore’s office Gryffindor dormitories and common room Trelawney’s rooms Ravenclaw dormitories and common room Events In First Year, Harry and… Read More
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Posted by in What's New
One of the key features of the Lexicon is the Atlas. Back in 2000, I started researching and creating maps of Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, and other locations found in the books. I got the idea for this from the various books I’d collected over the years featuring maps for other… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Countries On this map, blue markers indicate cities and towns. Red markers indicate the location of magical creatures. The letter Q indicates a town with a Quidditch team. The building icons indicate famous wizarding structures. Links to each of these are found in the Related Links.  … Read More
• Magical objects This magical map of Hogwarts Castle shows the entire castle and grounds of Hogwarts, including seven secret passages out of Hogwarts and into Hogsmeade. However, it does not show the Room of Requirement or the Chamber of Secrets. The map also shows the location of people. It would seem that… Read More
• Event Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter explore the castle and grounds in their Animagus forms and learn more about the secrets of the place than anyone, even Filch. They then create the Marauder’s Map, signing it with their nicknames: Moony (Lupin), Wormtail (Pettigrew), Padfoot (Sirius), and Prongs… Read More
• Titles, nicknames, and honorifics The self-titled Marauders were a group of Gryffindor students who attended Hogwarts between 1971 and 1978. The ringleaders were James Potter and Sirius Black. Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew rounded out the group. The Marauders were well-known as troublemakers and pranksters, particular Potter and Black who earned themselves an entire… Read More
• Event Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Lily Evans, and Severus Snape start their first year at Hogwarts; all are sorted into Gryffindor except Snape, who is made a Slytherin (DH33). Read More
• Character A “thin and nervous-looking” boy, in Ravenclaw and a year ahead of Harry. A candidate for the Slug Club because his Uncle Damocles invented Wolfsbane potion (HBP7), but not a favored member because he does not see much of his Uncle Damocles. Read More
• Character Marietta Edgecombe was a friend of Cho Chang’s with curly, reddish-blonde hair. Marietta was dragged to D.A. meetings by Cho and signed her name to the parchment that listed members of the group (OP16). However, when she later betrayed the group to Umbridge in order to protect her mother’s… Read More
• Timelines and calendars Timeline of Events Select the range of years for the timeline you wish to view. Ancient Egypt and Greece – Before 100 A.D. This is an era of Muggle/Wizard cooperation; many political and religious leaders were witches and wizards. The Medieval Era – 100 – 1400 AD… Read More
• Page Timeline of Events Select the range of years for the timeline you wish to view. Ancient Egypt and Greece – 3000 B.C. – 100 A.D. This is an era of Muggle/Wizard cooperation; many political and religious leaders were witches and wizards. Growing distrust and prejudice – 100 – 1692 AD… Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds • Rooms, chambers, and floors The matron’s office is located just off of the Hospital Wing so that she may easily and quickly service patients. Read More
• Event Minerva McGonagall disguised as her cat Animagus arrives outside the home of the Dursley family on Privet Drive early in the morning of November 1, 1981. At half-past 8 a.m., Vernon Dursley leaves his driveway and notices a tabby cat reading a map on the corner near his house, which made… Read More
• Character Minerva McGonagall was the Transfiguration professor and Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts for over forty years, and a powerful witch and Animagus (PS1, PS4). McGonagall has a stern exterior, keeping her classes strictly controlled and following the rules closely (PS8), yet has a warm heart and… Read More
• Character Cormac McLaggen was a “large, wiry-haired youth” and member of the Slug Club. He had a famous “Uncle Tiberius” who was a favorite student of Horace Slughorn’s (HBP7). During his seventh year Cormac tried out for Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but was beaten… Read More
• Character Melinda Bobbin was a Hogwarts student, who in 1996 was chosen as a member of the Slug Club because her family owned a large chain of apothecaries (HBP7). Read More
• Insults, Curses, and Interjections “Merlin’s Pants” is a mild and slightly naughty slang exclamation, similar to the more frequently used epithet “Merlin’s Beard“. Appearances In the his room in the Burrow, before Bill and Fleur’s wedding and while she is packing, Ron asks Hermione: “How in the name… Read More
• Art and Culture A gold-framed painting of a blonde-haired mermaid hangs in the Prefects’ Bathroom on the fifth floor of Hogwarts. She sits on a rock and is usually asleep and snoring. She  flirts with the young gentlemen while they bathe, which doesn’t seem to impress Myrtle much (GF25). She resembles the mermaids of… Read More
• Character Galatea Merrythought was the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts from c. 1895 to c.1945. Soon after graduating from Hogwarts, Tom Riddle asked Headmaster Armando Dippet if he could remain and teach because Professor Merrythought was retiring after teaching for “nearly fifty years” (… Read More
• Character Eloise Midgen (or Midgeon) was a Hogwarts student in the early 1990s. Eloise tried to curse off her acne and had to have her nose re-attached by Madam Pomfrey (GF13), but it ended up off centre (GF22). Ron irritated Hermione by saying he wouldn’t want… Read More
• Character Slytherin, 1991 – 1998 (PS7) Member of Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad in her fifth year (OP32). In her second year, Millicent partnered Hermione at the Duelling Club at Snape’s direction, resorting to a headlock despite the standard “no contact” rule of wizard duelling, leaving some black hair on… Read More
• Event With Dumbledore’s death, McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress, takes over as Head. Unlike what happened when Umbridge became Head the previous year, the Head’s office allowed McGonagall to enter. Her first duty was to arrange for Dumbledore’s funeral, for which she solicited advice not only from the Heads of Houses but… Read More
• Event She is sorted into Gryffindor, although the Sorting Hat takes a long time to decide into which house, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, she should be placed. After more than five minutes of deliberation, the Hat places her in Gryffindor (JKR, Pm). Read More
• Rules and laws Ban on Experimental Breeding 1965 written by Newt Scamander (FB) Code of Wand Use clause 3: no non-human creature permitted a wand (GF9) Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery 1875 (CS2, CS5, PA3, OP2, OP8) Violation under paragraph… Read More
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November 15, 1995 In Attendance Headmaster Dumbledore – Hogwarts’ Headmaster Prof. Binns – History of Magic Prof. Flitwick – Charms Mr. Hagrid – Care of Magical Creatures Prof. McGonagall – Transfiguration Prof. Moody – Defence Against the Dark Arts Madam Pomfrey – Nurse Prof. Sinistra – Astronomy Prof. Snape –… Read More
• Magical artifacts The Mirror of Erised is a magnificent mirror, as high as a classroom ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. The inscription carved around the top read “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi,” which is “I show not your face but your heart’s… Read More
• Furniture and household items Ordinary mirrors are found in bathrooms, dormotories and on corridors in Hogwarts. Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds • Rooms, chambers, and floors • Wizarding places Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom is an out-of-order girls’ bathroom on the second floor. It is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets and home to the ghost of Myrtle Warren – “Moaning Myrtle“. Upon his first visit to Myrtle’s bathroom during his second year, Harry’s opinion is that… Read More
• Character Eupraxia Mole was the headmistress of Hogwarts in 1876, when she negotiated an end to a standoff with Peeves by signing a contract allowing the poltergeist certain privileges. Read More
• Character Montague was a Hogwarts student in Slytherin House c. 1989-1996. He played on the Slytherin Quidditch Team as a Chaser (PA15) and later became their team’s Captain (OP19). He was also appointed by Professor Dolores Umbridge to be a member of her Inquisitorial Squad (… Read More
• Magical objects Mad-Eye Moody was well-known to drink only from a hip flask he always carried because he feared being poisoned by Dark Wizards even while among friends (GF12). Read More
• Titles, nicknames, and honorifics Nicknames of the Marauders used amongst themselves and in the creation of the Marauders Map. Moony = Remus Lupin, refers to being a werewolf Wormtail = Peter Pettigrew, refers to being a rat Animagus Padfoot = Sirius Black, refers to being a black dog – also another name for The… Read More
• Character Merchiefteness of the Merfolk living in the Hogwarts lake.  She is described as “a particularly wild and ferocious-looking female.” (GF26)… Read More
• Magical effects Music is a powerful magic often associated with healing and lifting the spirit. Read More
• Character Moaning Myrtle is a ghost who haunts a toilet in a girls’ bathroom on the first or second floor of Hogwarts castle. She is a squat ghost with lank hair, pimples, and thick glasses. She seldom smiles and takes offense at the least excuse, crying rivers of tears and wailing. Read More