• Character Galatea Merrythought was the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts from c. 1895 to c.1945. Soon after graduating from Hogwarts, Tom Riddle asked Headmaster Armando Dippet if he could remain and teach because Professor Merrythought was retiring after teaching for “nearly fifty years” (… Read More
• Event Merrythought has been the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for fifty years. Her impending retirement becomes known to Tom Riddle, who asks Headmaster Dippet for the position upon leaving school. Read More
• Creature Gargoyles are a semi-sentient stone creatures used as guards for rooms in Hogwarts. Read More
• Character An 18th-century descendant of Salazar Slytherin who made sure the hidden entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was well-protected when “new-fangled plumbing” was built around it, which later became Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom (Pm:Chamber of Secrets). Obviously Corvinus was a Parselmouth, like many in the Slytherin family line, including Tom Riddle. Read More
• Character The Gaunts are an ancient, in-bred, Pure-blood Wizarding family, direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. The family is listed in the infamous Pure-Blood Directory from the 1930s as being one of the “Sacred Twenty-Eight” families which stayed true to pure-blood status. Most of the Gaunts were gifted with the ability to speak… Read More
• Source Mad-Eye Moody jinxes dustbins and Mr. Weasley hustles off to sort out the mess. Mrs. Weasley takes the children to King’s Cross Station via Muggle taxis, and the trio meets old friends and enemies on the train.  … Read More
• Source The students arrive at Hogwarts in a gale and are soaked by Peeves‘ water balloons. The First Years are sorted, Hermione discovers that there are house elves at Hogwarts, and Moody is the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Dumbledore announces the… Read More
• Source The fourth-year students gather bubotuber pus in Herbology, study Blast-Ended Skrewts with Hagrid in Care of Magical Creatures class, study Astrology in Divination, and Draco Malfoy delights in pointing out that Mr. Weasley is in the paper again. In the argument… Read More
• Source Harry sends an owl to Sirius Black telling him everything is fine. In Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Moody puts the Imperius Curse on everyone and only Harry can resist it, school work piles up, Hogwarts spruces up for the visitors,… Read More
• Source The students learn about the Triwizard Tournament after dinner in the Great Hall. Next morning Fred and George fail to fool the Goblet of Fire. Harry, Ron and Hermione visit Hagrid, discovering that he fancies Madame Maxime of Beauxbatons. Read More
• Source The Triwizard Tournament judges try to decide how Harry was selected, argue and finally accept the fact. Few believe that Harry did not enter his own name; Ron is not one of the few. Read More
• Source The Yule Ball is announced, and Harry learns that he is expected to have a dance partner. Harry tries to get up the nerve to ask Cho Chang to the dance, but when he finally does finds that she already has a date with Cedric Diggory,… Read More
• Source An owl arrives from Sirius Black, Dobby startles Harry on Christmas morning, presents are opened, the boys have a snowball fight, and all prepare for the Yule Ball. At the ball, emotions run high as Ron is angry with Hermione for consorting with… Read More
• Source Harry, Ron and Hermione visit the kitchens again, Hermione upsets Winky, and Harry sends owls with food to Sirius Black, Hermione gets threatening letters by owl, Hagrid has Nifflers for Care of Magical Creatures class, more hate mail arrives, Harry learns… Read More
• Source Harry tells Ron and Hermione about the visit to Dumbledore’s office, Harry practices for the Third Task, Skeeter writes another article about Harry, and Hermione finally figures out how Rita gets her information. Mrs. Weasley and Bill arrive to watch Harry in the Tournament, the four champions enter… Read More
• Source The school returns to normal, Harry, Ron and Hermione visit Hagrid, and the Leaving Feast takes place, at which Professor Dumbledore tells the students of Cedric Diggory’s death and warns them about Lord Voldemort’s return. Goodbyes are said, and on the train home,… Read More
• Organizations The ghosts’ council at Hogwarts is a group of ghosts including the House ghosts. They vote on matters that concern them. Read More
• Source The reference “Ghsts” refers to a series of essays written by Rowling about ghosts. The essays originally appeared on Pottermore. The following essays are part of this collection: Ghosts Hogwarts Ghosts Peeves… Read More
• Creature The giant squid is a gigantic, relatively friendly cephalopod which lives in the Hogwarts Lake. The largest invertebrate known to Muggle science, the giant squid can grow to 70 feet in length. While the giant squid is a deep salt water creature, at least one giant squid lives… Read More
• Clothing Gloves are a covering for the hand worn for protection against cold or dirt and typically having separate parts for each finger and the thumb. First-year students are required to buy a pair of thick protective gloves (dragon hide or similar) (PS5). The gloves have a protective function, for example when dealing… Read More
• Hogwarts academics The grading scale for Hogwarts classes, Ordinary Wizarding Level (O.W.L.) exams, Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Level (N.E.W.T.) exams, and the Wizards’ Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Test (W.O.M.B.A.T.) are as follows (HBP5): Pass Grades: Outstanding (O) Exceeds Expectations (E) Acceptable (A) Fail Grades: Poor (P)… Read More
• Character Graham Pritchard was a Hogwarts student who was sorted into Slytherin in 1994 (GF12). Read More
• Character A family which remains influential in American wizarding politics (Pm). Members include: Gondolphus Graves Percival Graves Merton Graves… Read More
• Rooms, chambers, and floors Vast chamber with an enchanted ceiling that mirrors the sky outside. Four long tables for the four houses. Closest to the doors from the Entrance Hall is Slytherin, then Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and next to the far wall, Gryffindor (GF12). The teachers sit at the High Table, a table on… Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds • Lakes and marshes A large, freshwater lake (a loch, actually, since this is Scotland) lies to the south of Hogwarts castle, which stands on a cliff overlooking the water. The lake has a number of very unusual inhabitants, including a giant squid, a village of merfolk, and many grindylows. The lake is approximately a half-mile in… Read More
• Character Daphne is a witch in Harry’s year at Hogwarts. She took her O.W.L.s at the same time as Hermione (OP31). Read More
• Hogwarts castle and grounds Greenhouse Three is where second-year and subsequent-year students take Herbology. There are “far more interesting and dangerous plants” in this Greenhouse than in Greenhouse One (CS6). It is kept locked; Professor Sprout has the keys (CS6). When Harry first comes near the Greenhouses he notices “a whiff of damp earth and fertilizer, mingling… Read More
• Character Gregory Goyle is one of Draco Malfoy’s thuggish cronies. Goyle has short, bristly hair that extends down onto his forehead. His eyes are small, dull, and deep set, and he speaks with a low, raspy voice. He’s a mean bully who enjoys whatever chance he gets to boss people around,… Read More
• Creature Grindylows are found throughout Britain and Ireland, including the lake on the grounds of Hogwarts in Scotland. Pale green in colour, these water demons have sharp horns, pointed fangs and brittle spindly fingers. Grindylows show aggression towards humans, wizards or Muggles, but merpeople have been known to domesticate them. Read More
• Character Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank is an elderly witch with closely cropped gray hair and a very prominent chin who teaches Care of Magical Creatures. Professor Grubbly-Plank was the supply teacher (US: “substitute”) who covered for Hagrid when he was indisposed after Christmas break (January 1995, GF24) and again when he was off negotiating… Read More
• Character Godric Gryffindor was the founder of Gryffindor House and one of the co-founders of Hogwarts, described as one of “the four greatest witches and wizards of the age” (along with the other three founders) (CS9). Read More
• Hogwarts Gryffindor House is one of the four houses at Hogwart into which the students are Sorted when they start their first year. Gryffindor is the Hogwarts house of founder Godric Gryffindor. Gryffindor House places high value on traits such as courage, chivalry, and nerve. During Harry’s time at Hogwarts, the head… Read More
• Sports teams The Gryffindor Quidditch Team of Hogwarts is drawn from the students of Gryffindor House. The team wear robes of scarlet red. Gryffindor traditionally fields a strong team, although they lost the Quidditch Cup to Slytherin for seven years between 1985 and 1991. With the addition of Harry Potter… Read More
• Event Madam Hooch instructs the First Years in the basics of flying, using twenty of the school’s sub-par brooms. Neville injures himself falling off his his broom, and Madam Hooch escorts him to the Hospital Wing. While the class is thus unsupervised, Harry and Draco fight it out on brooms… Read More
• Event “Harry had been to several Hogwarts feasts, but never one quite like this. Everybody was in their pyjamas, and the celebrations lasted all night. Harry didn’t know whether the best bit was…. his and Ron’s four hundred points securing Gryffindor the House Cup for the second year running….” (CS18)… Read More
• Character Davey Gudgeon was a Hogwarts student in the 1970s who almost lost an eye playing a game in which people tried to get close enough to the Whomping Willow to touch its trunk (PA10). Read More
• Character Gwenog Jones is the retired Captain and Beater of the only all-female professional Quidditch team, the Holyhead Harpies, and manager of the Welsh National Team in 2014. After a game she enjoys relaxing with friends, drinking butterbeer, and listening to The Weird Sisters (FW). Read More