• Character Ernie Macmillan is a Hufflepuff student in Harry‘s year. Though sort of a pompous fellow, Ernie’s heart and loyalties are in the right place. Harry first met him in his second year, when Ernie took the lead among the Hufflepuffs in attempting to protect Muggle-born Justin Finch-Fletchley. Read More
• Occupations • Titles, nicknames, and honorifics Chosen leader of the Magical Congress of the United States, the secret governing body for witches and wizards of North America (Pm). Known Presidents of MACUSA include: Josiah Jackson Thornton Harkaway Able Fleming Charity Wilkinson Elizabeth McGilliguddy Emily Rappaport Seraphina Picquery  … Read More
• Event The Magical Congress of the United States  was housed in a secret edifice somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains until 1760, when it was relocated to Williamsburg, Virginia, the home of Thornton Harkaway, then President of MACUSA (Pm). Unfortunately for the local No-Maj population, President Harkaway raised Crups, a type of… Read More
• Character Librarian at Hogwarts who looks like an underfed vulture (CS10) with a shriveled face, and who spends more time policing the library than helping with research (OP29). Pince is highly suspicious of the students and places nasty spells on books to make sure they’re returned on time:… Read More
• Magical effects A Magical Barrier Energy Field in the form of a protective bubble was placed around the entrance to City Hall subway station in 1926 New York in order to trap Obscurial Credence Barebone (WFT). It is also referred to as a “magical force field,” which appeared as a “luminous wall… Read More
• Communication • Magical objects High above the MACUSA Lobby there is a giant dial with multiple clock-like faces and hands pointing to the present threat-level to the secret wizarding world. The color-coded levels include “Severe: Unexplained Activity” and “Emergency” (WFT). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Ministry of Magic A division of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry of Magic https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe:… Read More
• Character Draco Malfoy is the son and only child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and was a student at Hogwarts in the same year as Harry Potter. He is a rival of Harry, actively trying to undermine him in any way he can. Draco has white-blond hair and a pale,… Read More
• Character Narcissa Malfoy is Lucius’ wife and Draco’s mother, a blonde with blue eyes and a look on her face as if there were something smelly under her nose (GF8). She is fiercely protective of her son. Draco wanted to go to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts but Narcissa nixed this… Read More
• Plants • Potion ingredients The Mandrake is a magical plant with powerful restorative properties. The root system takes the form of a small baby which matures into the form of small humanoid adult. The screams of the roots are dangerous; those of a full-grown adult mandrake can kill. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3… Read More
• Creature The Manticore is a beast with a human-like head, a lion’s body, and the tail of a scorpion. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)… Read More
• Atlas of the Wizarding World • Government places • Mysterious places • Rooms, chambers, and floors It’s likely impossible to map the Department of Mysteries; after all, the revolving walls sure make it seem like the rooms move around a lot. But once inside, even though there are a heck of a lot of doors, space still seems pretty linear. Also, we’re missing at least… Read More
• Character Marietta Edgecombe was a friend of Cho Chang’s with curly, reddish-blonde hair. Marietta was dragged to D.A. meetings by Cho and signed her name to the parchment that listed members of the group (OP16). However, when she later betrayed the group to Umbridge in order to protect her mother’s… Read More
• Magical effects The Masking Fog is a special magical fog used by the Ministry of Magic to hide the location of a Quidditch stadium in Exmoor National Park. Spectators for a Quidditch match between the Wimbourne Wasps and the Holyhead Harpies were advised to arrive early before… Read More
• Event Thanks to a tip from Dobby, they find a place to meet – the Room of Requirement – and spend the first lesson working on Expelliarmus. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |… Read More
• Character Galatea Merrythought was the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts from c. 1895 to c.1945. Soon after graduating from Hogwarts, Tom Riddle asked Headmaster Armando Dippet if he could remain and teach because Professor Merrythought was retiring after teaching for “nearly fifty years” (… Read More
• Character Ravenclaw, 1991 – 1998 Michael is a dark-haired boy who met Ginny Weasley at the Yule Ball and began dating her at the end of the 1994 – 1995 school year; through Ginny, Michael and his friends joined the DA (OP16). Michael sulked so much after Gryffindor defeated… Read More
• Rules and laws Ban on Experimental Breeding 1965 written by Newt Scamander (FB) Code of Wand Use clause 3: no non-human creature permitted a wand (GF9) Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery 1875 (CS2, CS5, PA3, OP2, OP8) Violation under paragraph… Read More
• Character Famous author of the Standard Book of Spells series of books (Standard Book of Spells Grade One through [known] Grade Six) which are required textbooks for students at Hogwarts (PS5, PA4, GF10, OP9, HBP9). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3… Read More
• Incantations Mischief Managed is the incantation which closes or “wipes” clean the Marauders Map (PA10). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe:… Read More
• Character Modesty Barebone was the youngest adopted daughter of Mary Lou Barebone, a Second Salem leader in 1920s New York. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 —… Read More
• Character Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody is a retired Auror, considered one of the best Dark Wizard catchers the Ministry has ever had. Moody came on staff for a year at Hogwarts, but  spent it at the bottom of a magical trunk, unbeknownst to anyone but the imposter who put him there (… Read More
• Magical objects After losing his eye while battling Death Eaters (Pm), Alastor Moody received a magical replacement that could swivel around in all directions (GF14) and even see through Harry’s Invisibility Cloak (GF25). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Mountains, hills, and landforms Mount Greylock is a mountain in western Massachusetts in the U.S. whose highest peak is where Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry stands. It is also where the Steward family lived in the 1600s (Pm). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Spells Charms magic, or even hexes, can be used to move objects in various ways. Locomotion Magic The basic spell for moving an object is Locomotor, which comes from two Latin words meaning roughly “move from its place.” First years learn to move objects by magic; the practical part of Flitwick’s… Read More
• Incantations Source: The Half-Blood Prince Fills the ears of target persons near the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing, so that the caster can hold lengthy conversations without being overheard. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |… Read More
• Character Harfang Munter was the second Head of the Durmstrang Institute, succeeding founder Nerida Vulchanova. Munter established the school’s tradition of teaching combat and martial magic – and it’s reputation for the Dark Arts (Pm). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Communication A low musical note sounded as an alarm by the Horned River Serpent of North America (Pm). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)… Read More
• Character https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe: RSS… Read More