• Magical identities A young witch or wizard, usually under the age of ten but sometimes older, who has kept their magical ability repressed until it becomes an Obscurus – a violent force of Dark Magic which may burst forth from them unexpectedly (WFT). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source Harry, Hermione, and Ron hold a meeting at the Hog’s Head to discuss with other students the possibility of Harry giving them Defence lessons, and Hermione tells Ron and Harry that Ginny is dating Michael Corner. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source Harry again dreams of the windowless corridor with the door at the end, Dobby tells Harry about the Room of Requirement, and Dumbledore’s Army meets for the first time. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source Hagrid’s class is observed by Umbridge, Ginny Weasley replaces Harry as Gryffindor’s Seeker, Dumbledore’s Army meets again, and Harry and Cho kiss. In a dream, Harry witnesses Arthur Weasley being bitten by a huge snake. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source Arthur Weasley is rushed to St. Mungo’s Hospital, Albus Dumbledore sends Harry and the Weasley children back to Sirius Black’s house, and they visit Arthur in hospital as he makes his recovery. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source Harry and the Weasley children return to Hogwarts after the holidays and Harry begins Occlumency lessons with Professor Snape, during which Harry sees the dark corridor in the Department of Mysteries that he often dreams about. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source There is a mass breakout from Azkaban, a Ministry worker dies under suspicious circumstances, and Umbridge bans the teachers from giving students information unrelated to their subjects. Harry and Cho go on a date to Hogsmeade, and Hermione and Luna Lovegood arrange for Rita Skeeter to interview Harry, with his… Read More
• Source Hermione gives Harry advice on his love life, Gryffindor continues its losing streak at Quidditch, and Harry’s article is published in The Quibbler – which is quickly outlawed at Hogwarts by Professor Umbridge. Harry has another disturbing dream from Lord Voldemort’s point of… Read More
• Source Harry and his classmates have their first Divination lesson with Firenze in a new classroom, Marietta Edgecombe tells Professor Umbridge about the meeting of Dumbledore’s Army, but suffers the effects of Hermione’s jinx, Dobby warns Harry that the D.A. has been found… Read More
• Source Harry tells Ginny Weasley of his desire to talk to his godfather Sirius, and receives careers advice from Professor McGonagall. He breaks into Professor Umbridge’s office to use her fireplace on the Floo Network to talk to Sirius about his father, and… Read More
• Source Harry and Hermione tell Ron about Grawp, the fifth years take their O.W.L.s, Hagrid is sacked, McGonagall is stunned, and Harry dreams that Sirius is being tortured. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |… Read More
• Source Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna help Harry break into Umbridge’s office, Kreacher leads Harry to believe that Sirius is at the Department of Mysteries, and Hermione tricks Umbridge into taking her and Harry into the Forbidden Forest. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source Hermione and Harry lead Umbridge into the Forbidden Forest, Umbridge insults the centaurs and they take her away, Grawp rescues Harry and Hermione from the centaurs, and Ron rejoins them with Neville, Ginny, and Luna, who insist on helping them in their fight. Luna suggests using the thestrals to get… Read More
• Source Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and other Death Eaters arrive and attempt to take the prophecy away from Harry. The D.A. members fight the Death Eaters and are separated. Hermione Granger is badly hurt, Neville Longbottom’s nose is broken and, when they are… Read More
• Source Harry pursues Bellatrix and learns he is incapable of an Unforgivable Curse; Voldemort shows up; Dumbledore saves Harry from the Killing Curse; Fudge and other Ministry members witness Voldemort’s return; and Dumbledore reinstates himself as Headmaster. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Source Ron and Hermione are recovering from their injuries. Fudge publicly admits to Voldemort‘s return, McGonagall returns from St. Mungo’s, and Harry asks Nearly-Headless Nick about ghosts. Harry rides home with Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna on the train. Moody,… Read More
• Source Harry is rescued from number four Privet Drive, Remus Lupin and Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody are reintroduced, and Harry meets Nymphadora Tonks for the first time. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new… Read More
• Source Harry learns of Sirius Black’s family background, and Molly Weasley and Sirius have a row regarding what is best for Harry. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window |… Read More
• Podcast Episode
Posted by in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Let’s just take a moment to talk about the richness of Rowling’s imagination. In chapter six of Order of the Phoenix, we’re introduced to the weird and wonderful drawing room of number twelve Grimmauld Place, with it’s curtains filled with Doxies, the nest of dead Puffskeins… Read More
• Source Harry, Hermione, Ron, Sirius and the rest of the Weasleys clean the Black house; Kreacher, the Black family house-elf, shows another darker side to house-elves; Harry is shown the Black Family Tree tapestry; and we learn that Sirius is not only related… Read More
• Source Ron and Hermione become prefects, Harry is jealous, and Mrs. Weasley‘s boggart is revealed. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 —… Read More