Ron Weasley Timeline

Ron Weasley is born
Ron Weasley is born, the sixth child (and sixth son) of Molly and Arthur Weasley of The Burrow, near Ottery St. Catchpole. Read MoreFred turns Ron's teddy bear into a spider
He does it because Ron broke his toy broomstick. From that point on, Ron is deathly afraid of spiders. Read More
Fred is punished for giving Ron an acid pop
When Ron is seven years old, he is given an acid pop by Fred. The sweet burns a hole through Ron’s tongue. Molly punishes Fred by hitting him with her broomstick, according to Ron’s recollection (PA10). Read More
Percy gives Scabbers to Ron
Like nearly everything Ron owns, Scabbers is secondhand and a bit battered (PA4). Read MorePercy becomes a prefect
When he is about to begin his fifth year at Hogwarts, Percy Weasley is made a prefect. For this, his parents buy him a screech owl called Hermes (PS5, CS3, PA5). In turn, Percy hands his pet rat, Scabbers, down to his brother Ron (PA4). Read MoreHarry's first Hogwarts Express journey
Harry catches the Hogwarts Express at 11 am at King’s Cross Station, where he is helped by Molly Weasley and encounters several members of the Weasley family. He and his fellow students then travel until evening to Hogwarts. Harry properly meets Ron Weasley and they share a compartment; he and Ron immediately… Read MoreRon Weasley is sorted into Gryffindor
Ron Weasley begins his first year at Hogwarts and is sorted into Gryffindor (PS7). Read More
Ron is bitten by Norbert
Ron is helping Hagrid feed Norbert late at night, having gone down to Hagrid’s hut under the Cloak of Invisibility. When Ron is bitten, Hagrid seems more worried about the dragon than Ron (PS14). Read More
Ron ends up in the Hospital Wing with a badly infected dragon bite
Ron’s hand has swollen to twice normal size and turns green after Norbert bites it. He spends the next few days in the Hospital Wing recovering. Fortunately, Madam Pomfrey doesn’t ask too many questions. During that time, Malfoy comes to visit Ron on the pretense of needing to borrow one… Read More
Harry is rescued with the Ford Anglia
Ron, Fred, and George wake Harry up in the middle of the night to take him to the Burrow. They use Mr. Weasley’s flying car to pull the bars off the window, and then they help Harry get his belongings and load them into the car. They manage to do… Read More
Harry and Ron fly the car to Hogwarts
When they crash into the barrier between platforms nine and ten (and Hedwig makes a noisy fuss about it), Harry and Ron attract the attention of Muggles at King’s Cross. Unable to follow the rest of the Weasleys to platform nine and three quarters, Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts… Read More
Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia rescues Harry, Ron, and Fang
Harry, Ron, and Fang are about to be attacked and eaten by Aragog’s many offspring when the Ford Anglia, which had gone wild in the Forbidden Forest since escaping there the previous September, crashes into the clearing and rescues them. Read More
Harry and Ron meet Aragog
Harry and Ron follow the spiders, stopping at Hagrid’s hut to get Fang to go with them before entering the forest. Deep in the dark, thick forest, they come across Mr. Weasley’s Ford Anglia, which appears to have gained some degree of sentience and free will since it crashed into… Read More
Ron tries to call Harry on the telephone
Ron is unfamiliar with telephones and shouts extremely loudly into the mouthpiece. Unfortunately, it was Uncle Vernon who answered the call and his response was “THERE IS NO HARRY POTTER HERE!” (PA1). Read More
Mr. Weasley wins the Daily Prophet Draw
The Daily Prophet runs a small article announcing the winner. In it we find out that the Weasleys will use the gold to travel to Egypt where Bill Weasley works as a curse breaker for Gringotts Bank. They will be in Egypt for a month,… Read MorePercy becomes Head Boy
Percy Weasley is very proud and pleased with himself when he is appointed Head Boy shortly before the start of his seventh year at Hogwarts (PA4). Read More
Peter Pettigrew, disguised as Scabbers the rat, is cornered and revealed
In the Shrieking Shack, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin explain the story of Pettigrew – and the story of the Marauders (PA17, PA18) Outside the shack, though, it’s a full moon – and Lupin transforms into a werewolf. In the confusion, Pettigrew escapes (PA20) and spends the… Read More
Taking the Portkey to the Quidditch World Cup
At Stoatshead Hill, Amos and Cedric Diggory, Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny Weasley, Harry, and Hermione touch a timed portkey in the form of an old boot. Harry experiences a bizarre sensation like being pulled by a hook located somewhere behind his bellybutton as the party is transported to… Read More
Chaos in the campground after the World Cup
Sometime after the end of the Quidditch World Cup final, the carousing in the campground turns malicious. A crowd of Death Eaters magically hoists the Muggle Roberts family high into the air and tosses them about. Other witches and wizards, perhaps drunk or merely overcome by a mob mentality, happily… Read More
A fight before Double Potions
The hostility towards Harry since he became the second Hogwarts champion – and Harry’s own frustration in response – comes to a head when Harry and Malfoy have a confrontation before Potions class (GF18). Harry and Hermione head to Double Potions after lunch and find the Slytherins waiting outside… Read More
Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit the Hogwarts kitchens
Harry and Ron accompany Hermione on her visit to the house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchens. Among the house-elves in the kitchen are Dobby and Winky, who have been working at Hogwarts for a week. Winky is still deeply upset about being sacked, Dobby is happy with his new situation, and… Read More
Hogsmeade trip and meeting with Sirius
Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave the castle at noon on a mild Saturday in March and walk to Hogsmeade. They buy some outlandish socks at Gladrags as a thank-you gift for Dobby. At 1:30, they meet up with Sirius (who is in his animagus form) at the outskirts of the village… Read More
Ron and Hermione become prefects
Molly Weasley buys Ron’s Cleansweep Eleven. That night, Harry first sees Moody’s old photograph of the 1970s Order of the Phoenix and Harry, Lupin, and Moody learn about Molly’s Boggart. Read MoreAt 5 p.m., both the Gryffindor Keeper tryouts and Harry's fourth detention with Umbridge begin
Harry’s detention lasts until after nightfall. Ron Weasley is selected as Gryffindor’s Keeper. Read More
Neville and his Gran visit his parents in St. Mungos
On Christmas day, Neville and his Gran visit Neville’s parents in St Mungos. While there, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione happen to visit the same ward and are surprised to learn the truth about Neville’s parents – that they were tortured to insanity by Bellatrix and her cronies and that… Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw (1996)
During the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch match, from which Harry Potter is banned from playing, he and Hermione Granger go with Hagrid deep into the Forbidden Forest to meet his giant half-brother Grawp (OP30). In spite of Slytherin supporters singing “Weasley is our… Read More
O.W.L. results arrive at the Burrow
Harry and Ron each earned seven O.W.L.s while Hermione earned eleven – ten Outstandings and one Exceeds Expectations (HBP5). The only grades below “Exceeds Expectations” that Harry got were in History of Magic (he passed out during the exam), Astronomy (the exam during which Hagrid was arrested in full… Read More
First Apparition Lesson
Harry and the other sixth years take their first Apparition lesson, under watchful eye of the Ministry instructor, Wilkie Twycross. None of the students manage to Apparate in this first lesson, although Susan Bones does manage to Splinch herself (HBP18). The lessons will continue for twelve… Read More
Extra Apparition Practice in Hogsmeade
These extra lessons are given for those who will turn seventeen on or before April 21st, which is the date of the first Apparition test. Ron and Hermione both go into Hogsmeade for the lessons while Harry, who won’t turn seventeen until July, spends his time trying to figure out… Read More
Preparation for the Horcrux Hunt
There was no way that Hermione and Ron were going to let Harry go Horcrux hunting alone. So they had to prepare. Hermione started to research, as she does, spells and potions that she thought they would need. One of those spells helped her create her purple beaded bag with… Read More
The fight at the all-night cafe
The trio Disapparate from the infiltrated wedding at the Burrow to Tottenham Court Road. To calm down and figure out their next move the trio duck into an all-night café. However, because Hermione said ‘Voldemort’, enacting the Taboo for the first time, two undercover Death Eaters, Rowle… Read More
The trio camps at a farm, where they find bread and eggs
Hermione frets about stealing the bread and eggs even though she left money to pay for the items in the chicken coop. Ron, with his mouth full of scrambled eggs on toast, tells her “‘Er—my—nee, ’oo worry ’oo much. ‘Elax!” (DH14)… Read More
Ron returns, faces an angry Hermione
Ron used the Deluminator to magically travel to where Harry and Hermione were camping once they said his name aloud. Ron arrived just in time to rescue Harry from drowning in the icy pond where the Sword of Gryffindor had been placed, and then used the Sword to destroy the… Read More
Escape from Malfoy Manor
Narcissa brings the captives into the drawing room so Draco can positively identify Harry. He does so reluctantly and half-heartedly, but before the Dark Lord is summoned Bellatrix tortures Hermione and Griphook for information about the Sword of Gryffindor. During the torture Harry and Ron are brought to the cellar where… Read More
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook set out for Gingotts
They wake up at 6 AM, meet in the garden of Shell Cottage, and leave shortly thereafter. They get to Diagon Alley around 7AM. Read More
The Gringotts dragon takes Harry, Ron, and Hermione north to a lake
The flight lasts many hours, from mid-morning until sundown, which would be between 8 and 9 pm, depending on where the lake was located. It isn’t a pleasant flight. On and on they flew, over countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through… Read MoreRon passes Muggle driving test
At his test for getting a Muggle driver’s license, Ron Weasley uses magic to help him and to manipulate the person overseeing the test. Deserved or not, Ron passes the test (DH/e). He boasts that, although Hermione thought he would have to use a Confundus charm on… Read More
The new generation at King's Cross
Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione bring their children to Hogwarts Express and send the older ones off to school. Draco Malfoy is also there with his wife and son, and Teddy Lupin is also there, seeing off Victoire Weasley. Albus Severus Potter, Rose Weasley, and Scorpius Malfoy are all about to… Read MoreMinistry of Magic meeting about Dark Magic
A public meeting is called at the Ministry of Magic by Minister Hermione Granger, to discuss the movements of Lord Voldemort’s former allies and ask for vigilance regarding Dark Magic – all worrying signs. Giants, trolls and werewolves have been increasingly active. The meeting descends into name-calling and… Read MoreAfter the failed Ministry meeting, a Hogwarts owl arrives
After the failure of the public meeting at the Ministry of Magic, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter sit in the Potter’s kitchen and discuss Draco Malfoy’s outburst. Hermione insists that she will not be like former Minister, Cornelius Fudge, and “stick… Read MoreA disguised Albus Potter prevents Hermione from entering her office
The disguised Delphi, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy enter the Minister for Magic’s office. When they hear Hermione Granger outside her room, Albus tries to distract her by pretending to be her husband Ron – insisting that they either have another baby, go on a… Read MoreThe worried parents of Albus and Scorpius meet at the Ministry
At the Ministry of Magic, Hermione Granger holds a meeting with Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley to discuss what to do about the missing children Albus and Scorpius. After Draco and Ginny start shouting at each other, Harry admits that… Read MoreThe families of Albus and Scorpius arrive at Hogwarts
Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy start arriving in Headteacher McGonagall’s office at Hogwarts via the Floo Network, making a mess of her carpet. They agree to search the Forbidden Forest for Albus and Scorpius (CC2.3). Read MoreAlbus Potter discovers the consequences of their time travel
Albus Potter chases his father Harry, arguing with him about his friendship with Scorpius Malfoy. They meet his uncle, a much-changed Ron Weasley, now staid and conservative. A shocked Albus realises that he and Scorpius have altered past events by their use of the Time-Turner. Read MoreHermione Granger and Ron Weasley meet on the Hogwarts staircase
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley meet on the staircases at Hogwarts. Ron has come because his son Panju is in trouble, but something about Hermione draws him towards her. Something about Ron moves her as well (CC2.17). Read MoreHermione, Ron, Snape and Scorpius make plans to change history
Scorpius Malfoy goes with Severus Snape to meet Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley in a “Campaign Room“, which is hidden underneath the Whomping Willow. At first they are suspicious of him, but Snape insists that Scorpius is “safe” (CC3.6). The changes caused by… Read MoreAlbus and Scorpius are prevented from changing the First Task
24 November 1994 Having agreed a plan of action and using the Experimental Time-Turner, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Severus Snape go back to the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament (CC2.7, CC 3.7, CC3.8). Hermione blocks Albus Potter from using a Summoning Charm on Cedric… Read More
Hermione and Ron caught by Dementors, Snape fights Umbridge
October 2020 Ron Weasley is in pain on the return from using the Experimental Time-Turner at the First Task. He and Hermione Granger are caught by the Dementors, as they allow Severus Snape and Scorpius Malfoy to escape. However, Snape is stopped by… Read MoreDelphi is spotted with Albus and suspicions start to arise
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are in her office at the Ministry of Magic. He reveals that he was drunk at their original wedding and, knowing that they loved each other in other timelines, would like to have a marriage renewal ceremony (CC3.17). When Harry Potter,… Read More
A search of Delphi's room at St Oswald's reveals her identity
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley make a search of Delphi’s room at the St Oswald’s Home for Old Witches and Wizards, trying to find out who she really is (CC3.21). Ginny discovers a hissing oil lamp which… Read MoreThe Wizarding World learns of Lord Voldemort's daughter
Minister for Magic Hermione Granger, at a second Extraordinary General Meeting, announces to the wizarding world that Lord Voldemort had a daughter, whose whereabouts are currently unknown (CC4.1). Hermione, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley stand together to take responsibility. Read MoreThe Golden Time-Turner is used to go back in Time
31 October 2020 Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley arrive in Godric’s Hollow and are surprised at the changes. Putting aside their differences, they use the Golden Time-Turner to go back in Time (CC4.7). 31 October 1981 Arriving in… Read More
Harry is transfigured into Lord Voldemort
31 October 1981 Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy discuss with Albus and Scorpius how they can prevent Delphi and Lord Voldemort from meeting each other. But, as he is the only one of them who speaks Parseltongue,… Read More
Battle and defeat of Delphi
31 October 1981 While they wait for the transfigured Harry Potter to meet Delphi pretending to be her father and lure her inside St Jerome’s Church, Albus tells his mother Ginny that everything is his fault. Ginny replies that his father feels the same way “How… Read More