Famous Wizard Cards/Wizards of the Month Legends and Lore Spells

The witch Circe encounters Odysseus on her island of Aeaea

The witch Circe encounters Odysseus on her island of Aeaea

She transfigures half his men into pigs, but according to legend, changes them back when Odysseus promises to give her his love. He stays on Aeaea for a year.

Timeline Notes

The legend of Odysseus, from which the tale of Circe is taken, tells of the hero's journey home after the end of the Trojan War. Troy fell around 1200 B.C. and Odysseus traveled for ten years after, so we place the tale of Circe at around 1190 B.C.



The story of Circe and Odysseus is not specifically told on the FW card where she appears. However, the reference to transfiguring men into pigs clearly identifies the tale, and therefore we include some additional details of those events in this entry.

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