• Character One of the founders of Borgin and Burkes, a shop in Knockturn Alley. The man behind the counter when Lucius Malfoy came in (CS4), however, was Mr. Borgin. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Place Frank Bryce, caretaker of the Riddle House, lived in a run-down cottage on the property (GF1). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)… Read More
• Character Carrow was an acolyte of Gellert Grindelwald in the 1920s. Carrow assisted Grindelwald in securing a home in Paris along with the other acolytes and was the one who performed the Killing Curse on the young child who was found in the home after the adult residents had been… Read More
• Character Alecto and Amycus Carrow (JKR) were Death Eaters, a brother and sister, part of the group of Death Eaters that invaded Hogwarts in June of 1997 (HBP27); Snape implies that they were never sent to Azkaban (HBP2). When Voldemort took over Hogwarts, Alecto Carrow became the Muggle Studies teacher… Read More
• Event When two boys instead of just one — Harry — arrive with the Portkey from the middle of the Triwizard maze, Voldemort callously orders Wormtail to to “kill the spare.” Cedric dies in a flash of green light. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Event Muggle Studies Professor Charity Burbage is kidnapped by Death Eaters and taken to Malfoy Manor early in the summer of 1997, soon after writing an article for the Daily Prophet in favor of Muggle-borns (DH1). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Character Herbert Chorley was a Junior Minister to the British (Muggle) Prime Minister https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe:… Read More
• Towns Clapham is a neighborhood in southwest London that, at number two, Laburnum Gardens, is home to Sturgis Podmore. We learn this from the Daily Prophet article regarding his arrest (OP14).   https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play… Read More
• Books and Literature A Compendium of Common Curses and their Counter-Actions is a reference book for Defence Against the Dark Arts. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)… Read More
• Spells The Blasting Curse causes the target to explode. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe:… Read More
• Spells The Conjunctivitus Curse is a spell that affects the eyes and vision of the target. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)… Read More
• Character Buckley Cooper was a wizard who wrote a letter to the Daily Prophet asking for legal advice on the running feud he’d been having with his brother (DP3) https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window… Read More
• Character Gregory Cotton played Seeker for the Appleby Arrows Quidditch team in the 1990s (DP3). Following an airborne scuffle with Pride of Portree seeker Dougal McBride (resulting in Cotton’s winning the Snitch), his head was transfigured into a cabbage by his irate opposite number. The Referee discovered that both Seekers… Read More
• Spells A spell that reverses a curse.   https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe: RSS… Read More
• Character Crabbe Sr. is a Death Eater and the father of Vincent Crabbe. Like his son, Mr. Crabbe is a large fellow — one of the two largest Death Eaters to attend Voldemort’s ‘rebirthing party’ — and a bit dim (GF33, OP26). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3… Read More
• Event Vincent Crabbe casts the Fiendfyre spell in the Room of Requirement. The fire gets out of his control, killing him and destroying Ravenclaw’s diadem, a Horcrux. Crabbe learned how to cast Fiendfyre from Amycus Carrow during his seventh year, but he did not learn how to control or stop it. Everything… Read More
• Character Delfina Crimp was a wizarding seamstress in the fifteenth century, famous for inventing the Severing Charm. She was one of the most fashionable dressmaker in London at the time, and pretended to be a muggle.  She was found out by a rival tailor, Snickerton, who spied on her and saw… Read More
• Spells One of the “Unforgivable Curses,” this spell causes the victim to suffer almost intolerable pain. Some victims of prolonged use of this curse have been driven insane. A victim of this curse is said to have been Cruciated. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Spells The effect is an extremely runny nose (Pm). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe:… Read More
• Occupations A team of adventurous bankers from Gringotts who go out into the world breaking the protective Charms and Curses on old forgotten Wizarding treasure troves. Sometimes referred to as Curse-Breakers (PA1, OP29). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Magical effects The curse on the Defense Against the Darks Arts teaching post at Hogwarts was cast by Voldemort after Dumbledore rejected his offer to teach the subject. Voldemort, in what must have been a fit of pique, basically decided that if he couldn’t have the job, no one else would be… Read More
• Dark magic items This ornate opal necklace is imbued with a very dangerous curse (CS4, HBP12). Over the years, the necklace had claimed the lives of nineteen Muggles (CS4). This necklace as of August 1996 was being offered for sale for 1500 Galleons (HBP6), and was apparently purchased by… Read More
• Spells When Gormlaith Gaunt attacked Ilvermorny School, she sent a powerful curse towards the building, including the names of her niece Isolt and her husband James Steward who were both sleeping (Pm). When the twin baby daughters of Isolt and James woke up and started to cry in fear, the sound… Read More
• Spells The curse on the ring refers to a deadly curse placed by Voldemort on Marvolo Gaunt‘s ring to protect the Horcrux within. The curse was lethal and would have killed Dumbledore almost immediately after he put the ring on if Snape hadn’t performed a counter-curse to slow… Read More
• Spells Curses are a type of dark magic, useful in duels and battles (JKR). Along with hexes and jinxes, they are known as “Dark Charms” (Pm). While considered to be Dark and therefore bad, some curses are actually used by witches and wizards who would never be seen to be evil. Read More
• Books and Literature Curses and Countercurses is a handy reference book sold at Flourish and Blotts, useful both for those who wish to annoy others and those who need to defend against those people. The full title of the book is Curses and Countercurses: Bewitch Your Friends and Befuddle Your Enemies with the Latest… Read More
• Magical discipline Spells that are considered “dark” are of three types: Curses, Hexes, and Jinxes. https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:06 — 11.1MB)Subscribe:… Read More
• Character Cyprian Youdle was the only Referee ever to die during a Quidditch match. The originator of the curse was never caught, but was believed to have been a member of the crowd (FW, QA6). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast:… Read More
• Event A Referee from Norfolk, Cyprian Youdle, is killed by a curse from an angry spectator during a “friendly” match between two local sides (QA6, FW). https://media.blubrry.com/hplex/media.hp-lexicon.org/podcasts/archive/hplm-202107-op36-of-duels-and-magic-part-2.mp3Podcast: Play in new window… Read More