Who, When, Why, and How Many…
student: Harry
teacher: Snape
points taken: -1
reason: “cheek”
notes: When asked a question by Snape, who was intentionally provoking him, he responded, “I don’t know. I think Hermione does, though, why don’t you try her?”
ref: PS8
student: Harry
teacher: Snape
points taken: -1
reason: not helping Neville
notes: Ironic, since Snape is also given to taking away points when people do help Neville (see PA7). Neville doesn’t lose any points himself – yet.
ref: PS8
student: Hermione
teacher: McGonagall
points given: + unknown (“all the points”)
reason: knowing about Switching Spells
ref: PS9
student: Hermione
teacher: McGonagall
points taken: -5
reason: tackling a troll on her own
ref: PS10
student: Harry
teacher: McGonagall
points given: +5
reason: defeating a Mountain Troll
ref: PS10
student: Ron
teacher: McGonagall
points given: +5
reason: defeating a Mountain Troll
ref: PS10
student: Harry
teacher: Snape
points taken: -5
reason: having a library book out of the castle
notes: The book is Quidditch Through The Ages. Harry protests to Ron and Hermione that “he’s just made that rule up.” Anyone got a Hogwarts Handbook?
ref: PS11
student: Ron
teacher: Snape
points taken: -5
reason: fighting
notes: Snape catches him grabbing Malfoy by the front of his robes. Hagrid says he was provoked (Malfoy was insulting his family), but Snape is unswayed
ref: PS12
student: Draco
teacher: McGonagall
points taken: -20 + detention
reason: out of bed at midnight
ref: PS14
student: Harry
teacher: McGonagall
points taken: -50 + detention
reason: out of bed at midnight
notes: This plus the losses by Hermione and Neville put them all in disgrace – except with the Slytherins. This is also the first time we hear about the “giant hourglasses” that display the House points.
ref: PS15
student: Hermione
teacher: McGonagall
points taken: -50 + detention
reason: out of bed at midnight
ref: PS15
student: Neville
teacher: McGonagall
points taken: -50 + detention
reason: out of bed at midnight
ref: PS15
student: Ron
teacher: Dumbledore
points given: +50
reason: “the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years”
ref: PS17
student: Hermione
teacher: Dumbledore
points given: +50
reason: “cool logic in the face of fire”
ref: PS17
student: Harry
teacher: Dumbledore
points given: +60
reason: “pure nerve and outstanding courage”
notes: Brings Gryffindor to a tie with Slytherin for the House Cup.
ref: PS17
student: Neville
teacher: Dumbledore
points given: +10
reason: standing up to his friends for what he thought was right
notes: Puts Gryffindor over the top to win the Cup. The first points Neville has ever garnered, according to our narrator. He ought to get a Purple Heart, too, for suffering the Full Body-Bind…
ref: PS17
Final point totals at the end of the 1991 – 1992 school year:
Gryffindor: 312 plus 170 at the last minute for a total of 482
Slytherin: 472
Ravenclaw: 426
Hufflepuff: 352
House Points by Year: