"The Irish Beater Quigley swung heavily at a passing Bludger, and hit it as hard as possible toward Krum, who did not duck quickly enough"
-- during the 1994 Quidditch World Cup final (GF8)

Quigley was a Beater on Ireland’s National Team at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup.
Quigley was a member of the winning team at the 422nd Quidditch World Cup in 1994, along with teammates: Connolly, Aidan Lynch, Moran, Mullet, Barry Ryan and Troy (GF8).
Rather than Ireland's exciting final match against Bulgaria, this first Quidditch World Cup attended by Harry Potter is chiefly remembered for the events that took place in the campground after the match had finished (GF9, Pm).
Other canon notes and references
This is possibly the same person as Finbar Quigley of the Ballycastle Bats (DP1, DP2).
Quigley is from the 12th century Gaelic O'Coigligh, a nickname for an untidy person, or possibly one with long, flowing, hair (Internet Surname Database).
Like the other members of the Irish National Team, Quigley is named for one of J.K. Rowling's friends:
"The Irish Quidditch team players are all named after people I have known. 'Moran', 'Troy' and 'Quigley,' are good friends." (JKR)
From the Web
Writing by J.K. Rowling on Pottermore: History of the Quidditch World Cup
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