The Lexicon Blog

by Selena Gallagher
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In China the number four is considered unlucky, presumably because the Chinese word for four is very similar to the word for death. This association with bad luck seems to have followed the number four into the wizarding world. Four is sometimes seen as a source… Read More

by Ashmita Shanthakumar
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
With Solo: A Star Wars Story now playing in theatres, I thought it may be interesting to visit the similarities between two beloved franchises: Harry Potter and Star Wars. The protagonists Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker share many familiarities. They both live with their aunt… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Rowling said in an interview in 2005 (TLC) that since she doesn’t re-read her own books, “there are thousands of fans who know the books much better than I do.” I suppose that’s why she admitted to using the Harry Potter Lexicon as a reference while writing… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Website news
You know you’re going to buy the book, right? Use this link for your order on Amazon and you’ll be supporting the Lexicon with your purchase. We would certainly appreciate it. And while you’re at it, use this link every time you visit Amazon and a small portion of… Read More

by Rosie Payne
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
I wrote an essay recently about the timing of the attack on Neville’s parents, talking about how he must have been around five years old when it happened (give or take a year or two). This means he has an awareness of what happened and remembers his parents… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
So why is the Order of the Phoenix my favorite Harry Potter novel? The rich, imaginative descriptions of new places in the Wizarding World are part of it, sure, but it’s more. It’s the delicious, immensely satisfying way that evil gets its comeuppance by the end of the book. Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Today I’ll be discussing chapter 2 of Chamber of Secrets, “Dobby’s Warning.” ‘There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.’ This year. Why this year? Why did Lucius… Read More

by Selena Gallagher
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Previously we talked about how often prime numbers feature in the Harry Potter books. Another number that crops up a lot is the number 12. 12 Grimmauld Place might be the first one that springs to mind, but we also have 12 uses of dragon’s blood;… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Harry’s first-hand knowledge of the Wizarding world was pretty limited up to this time. Basically, he had spent all of his life in three places: Diagon Alley in London (and Little Whinging is part of greater London, being in the vicinity of Heathrow Airport), the Burrow which… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Let’s just take a moment to talk about the richness of Rowling’s imagination. In chapter six of Order of the Phoenix, we’re introduced to the weird and wonderful drawing room of number twelve Grimmauld Place, with it’s curtains filled with Doxies, the nest of dead Puffskeins… Read More

by Selena Gallagher
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Arithmancy is a branch of magic which deals with the magical properties of numbers, and Hermione tells us it’s her favourite subject. In previous episodes we’ve already talked about some of the interesting ways that J.K. Rowling uses numbers in the books, and if we look through an arithmancy lens… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Narcissa Malfoy is a rude and racist witch, but there are several moments in the series that I think show Narcissa’s better side. In Spinner’s End, chapter 2 of Half Blood Prince, Narcissa is desperate to keep her son safe. Despite her sister’s warnings and Voldemort’s instructions to… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
You know what strikes me about chapter five of Order of the Phoenix? I really, really don’t like most of the characters in it. I don’t like Harry, I don’t like Sirius, I don’t like Molly … I don’t like any of them. But this is a tribute to… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Website news
I’ve just uploaded seven new Harry Potter Minute podcast episodes to our Patreon page as rewards for Third and Seventh year supporters. The episodes cover chapters 12 through 15 of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, as well as the first three chapters of Chamber of Secrets. Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In Chapter 4 of Order of the Phoenix, we and Harry make our first visit to Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. As she has done from the very beginning of the series, Rowling lets us discover a new part of the wizarding world a tiny bit at a time… Read More

by Ashmita Shanthakumar
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
When the casting for the Cursed Child came out many people were surprised that they chose a black woman to play Hermione. After all, Emma Watson, a white person, played her in the movies and that was the representation people were used to. J.K. Rowling never specified the race… Read More

by Steve VanderArk and Nick Moline
in Canon discussion / Fandom News / Lexicon Podcast / The Films
The last week or two has just been chock full of new stuff for members of the fandom. We have a new audiobook version of Quidditch through the Ages which also has a dramatization of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup which is particularly entertaining. We have a new gameplay trailer… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in The Films
The teaser trailer is out and it’s wonderful. We’re given glimpses of oh, so many new places and things — and some well-established things and places as well. First thoughts, in order: We’re back at Hogwarts! It’s great to see that lovely view down Loch Shiel again. Who is… Read More

by Steve VanderArk
in Canon discussion
When people ask me which is my favorite Potter novel, my answer is usually “Whichever one I’m reading at the moment.” But that’s a cop-out. I do have a favorite, and I think most fans do as well. Each book in the series is very unique from the others. Each… Read More

by Eileen Jones
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
In my latest re read of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets this question just hit me: Is Dobby really necessary to the end result of book 2? To be clear this is a different question than asking if he is essential to the… Read More

by Susan
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
Did you know that there are interesting similarities between Hermione Granger and Moaning Myrtle? In Philosopher’s Stone, Hermione is being bullied by Ron. She flees into the girl’s bathroom. There, she is attacked by a troll, released by Quirrel… Read More

by Selena Gallagher
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
You may notice on the homepage of the Lexicon that it always shows the current exchange rate between a galleon and a range of different worldwide currencies. But did you ever wonder how J.K. Rowling came up with this seemingly confusing system of wizard money? Hagrid explains… Read More

by Ashmita Shanthakumar
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
“Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders” If you’ve been part of the Harry Potter fandom you’ve probably heard this phrase throughout the internet but a lot of people don’t know where it comes from. In the Philosopher’s Stone the Sorting Hat says: You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are… Read More

by Bridget Bartlett
in Harry Potter Lexicon Minute
When did House Ghosts become a recognized part of life at Hogwarts? Nearly-Headless Nick celebrates the 500th anniversary of his death in Chapter 8 of Chamber of Secrets. In the following chapter, Professor Binns states that Hogwarts was founded more than a thousand years… Read More