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I have begun a sweep of the character pages, but it is going slowly because it is so complicated. First, old style pages need to be switched to the new design, then double-checked for Book 7, all the old [Y-whatever] dates have to be removed, and then I need to… Read More
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After discussion with Lisa, I’ve decided to change the way we indicate Pottercast references. The interview with Jo is now referenced as PC-JKR1 and PC-JKR2. Any other Pottercast references will be given as PC#, so that a citation of Pottercast 121 will be PC121. There have been some questions about… Read More
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I have updated the timeline and the day-by-day calendar to indicate that the Battle of Hogwarts was on 2 May. Unfortunately, Jo wasn’t clear about which day of the Battle was 2 May, since the start of hostilities was the evening of one day and the final confrontation was sunrise… Read More
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The third trailer for tomorrow’s ITV1 documentary [TLC YouTube Channel] shows Jo diagramming the family trees for the marriages and children of Harry and his friends. The tree is now on the Lexicon (thanks Mugglenet!) Here is a list of the new canon from the trailer: The Battle of… Read More
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I posted this last night to Accio Quote, and figured it would be of interest here too… PotterCast 130 (December 17, 2007) text | audio Helga Hufflepuff gave the House-elves at Hogwarts “good conditions of work.” Her intent wasn’t to be activist,… Read More
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We here at the Lexicon wish you all happy holidays and safe travel! I want to wish a very happy (belated) birthday to Lisa, whose big day snuck by us on December 8. Sorry, Lisa… We also wish a happy birthday (a little early) to Melissa over at Leaky, who… Read More
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Over the past few months, we here at the Lexicon have been traumatized and disheartened. What has been the hardest are the personal attacks, blatant disinformation, and rushing to judgement that have been hurled our way. The staff of the Lexicon consists of some of the most selfless, dedicated, passionate… Read More
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The Leaky Cauldron has announced that J.K. Rowling will be the featured guest on tomorrow’s PotterCast. Leaky staffers Melissa Anelli, Sue Upton and John Noe were on hand for the first extensive fan interview since 2005. Melissa promises new canon and lots of fun, so stay tuned. Among other… Read More
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I have added a new section to the Lexicon: our Reader’s Guide for The Tales of Beedle the Bard. None of us has seen the actual book, of course, and we can’t write a full and detailed Reader’s Guide. However, the new owner of the book, Amazon.com, has been releasing… Read More
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Jo updated the news on her site again yesterday about the situation with the book. Here’s part of what she said: “I take no pleasure in the fact that publication has been prevented for the present. On the contrary, I feel massively disappointed that this matter had to come… Read More
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Dear Friends, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support in recent days. Everyone here at the Lexicon, all volunteers, regrets the unpleasantness. We have always been interested in working with the publishers of the novels to satisfy their concerns, interests and needs and… Read More
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Rowling has updated her site with another new news item today. She has handwritten seven leather-bound editions of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, six of which she plans to give as ‘thank-you’ gifts to those who have helped her most, and the seventh of which she will auction off… Read More
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Tricks and Treats abound on Jo’s official site today for Halloween! There also appears to be new hidden extra content for you Scrapbook. We’ll leave this post spoiler free for those wanting to solve the mysteries for themselves, but see the first comment in this pensieve for clues as… Read More
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Jkrowling.com has a special Halloween treat for us! The Do Not Disturb sign on the Secret Door has returned, but along with a TimerTurner! The Time Turner allows you to revisit all the past puzzles that lay behind the Door each time the Do Not Disturb sign was removed… Read More
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As expected, the Wizard of the Month calendar on JKR’s official site has changed to display birthday wishes to Molly Weasley for October 30th, again this year. Happy Birthday to one witch who showed us just how powerful love really can be! (Note for those Americans wondering about the… Read More
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I’d just like to point out that I did ask what Dumbledore’s wand was made of…in July of 2004 in the open letter, which I know Jo read. Oh well. EDIT by Bel~: Oy, Steve! You must have been tinkering in the Timelines and got your dates mixed… Read More
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I’ve been waiting for a full transcript from Leaky, but want to post this list of canon summaries now. I figure I can add to it later. These summaries are actually based upon four sources: TLC and HPANA, as well as Eldritchhobbit‘s and iamstarmoms LiveJournals. Read More
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So after a fairly lengthy morning of in-depth research and writing, I have now completely re-vamped our page for the Burrow. Among other things, I determined what floor each room had to fall on, and organized the page accordingly. The explanation for why the floors line up the way… Read More
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The outside and ground floor of the Burrow are straightforward, but once we start up the rickety stairs, things become a little more tricky to figure out. The first question is, how many bedrooms are there? And then, how do we know where each one is located? How many bedrooms… Read More
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As expected, the Wizard of the Month calendar has automatically updated to show Happy Birthday greetings to Filius Flitwick for October 17th. I’ve updated the Guide to Jo’s site to note it. Read More
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Just finished three more updates, of various scopes and sizes: 1. St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, for which I rewrote the entry, greatly expanded the lists of staff and patients, and added a list (albeit a short one) for donors; 2. The Leaky Cauldron, for which I… Read More
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The profiles for Snape, Luna and Voldemort have been updated. Voldemort’s entry is humongous but still good reading, I hope! I also reworked the main character index page, taking out almost all of the graphics, so hopefully it will load faster. Read More
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As promised, we now have a completely re-worked and updated Hogsmeade page as well. I also created a new detailed list of all the secret passages between Hogsmeade and Hogwarts – something we hadn’t done before. Enjoy!… Read More
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Okay, my turn! The Gazetteer pages are now completely up-to-date with the last book, except for a few destination pages (like the Leaky Cauldron and Hogsmeade, which I’m working on now). We didn’t have a lot of big or important new places, aside from Shell Cottage and maybe Nurmengard, but… Read More
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I’m on a roll. Flitwick, Greyback, Neville, Regulus and Sirius now have updated profiles. That may mean that some of the quick facts still need to be looked at, but the major work of the page — the narrative profiles — has been done. I am especially fond of the… Read More
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I read in the comments that someone has noticed the Deathly Hallows symbol that has begun to appear on various pages of the Lexicon. If you roll your mouse over it, you’ll see why it’s there. It means that the page has been updated through book seven and is now… Read More
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I have been working on several entries at once, and think they are ready to be published. Some are brand new pages: The Carrows, Dumbledore profile (not the Quick Facts yet), Pius Thicknesse, Vincent Crabbe, and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Others were older pages that I (and others like Steve) revised for… Read More
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The new Wizard of the Month for October 2007 has appeared on Jo’s site, and Lo and Behold it’s Harry!! His description states: Harry Potter (1980 – ) The Boy Who Lived, only known survivor of the Avada Kedavra curse and conqueror of Lord Voldemort, also… Read More
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Please join us in wishing our own Clint Hagen a very happy birthday today, September 24th! Clint is the Lexicon’s Master Coder Guy, as Steve has dubbed him and our resident Latin expert. He is responsible for the magical programming behind the Remembrall Search feature, the Knight Bus Tours, and… Read More
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The Wizard of the Month Calendar has changed to wish a Happy Birthday to Hermione Granger for September 19th again this year. Hmm…. curious it’s not updated to include her married name, Weasley. 😛… Read More
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The Wizard of the Month calendar on JKR.com has changed to display the new WotM for September 2007 to be: Albus Dumbledore 1881 – 1996 Brilliant and often controversial headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore is most famous for his 1945 defeat of Grindelwald… Read More
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House-elves really came into their own in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — this fact, and some similarities between the characters of the house-elves and the theme of the greatness of servitude in the Christian gospels, was not lost on new Lexicon essay contributor Leanne Bruno. Enjoy!… Read More
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No, we’re not up to mischief! Although our server has been misbehaving a bit. I’m suspecting Nargles, but the tech folks tell us that they’re working on it. If you’ve experienced a “page not found” error recently when trying to access the Lexicon, or found this page telling you… Read More
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It’s begun. The influx of emails pointing out pages which haven’t been updated yet. I promise you, we’ll get to them. You’d be amazed at how much needs to be edited at this point. Just as an example, I was reading the commentary on the first chapter of Philosopher’s Stone… Read More
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I’ve been accumulating lots of new additions – working on getting the gazetteer up to speed and updated with our new layout! Here’s some of the stuff I’ve added: A completely rewritten page for Gringotts; A new Hog’s Head page; An updated entry for Albania; A new entry for Arkie… Read More
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Steve, Bel, Paula and I will be at Prophecy this week; if you see us wave Hi! If you’re wondering why my character pages are stuck in a time warp, well, that’s why. Steve has three presentations this week: Playing in Jo’s World Spend a little time looking… Read More
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The Wizard of the month calendar on JKR.com has updated to reveal the new WotM for August 2007 to be… Rowena Ravenclaw Medieval (precise dates unknown). One of the four famous Founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Rowena Ravenclaw was the most brilliant witch of… Read More
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The Wizard of the Month calendar on Jo’s official site is showing Happy Birthday wishes for our dear hero, Harry Potter. We would also like to extend our best wishes to Jo herself, who shares her birthday with her boy wizard. Happiest birthday to Harry and Jo!… Read More
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Again, lots of changes being made site-wide today. I enjoy clicking on the character pages especially and seeing the people Lisa has added in. But I wanted to post two big page overhauls I did for places: Godric’s Hollow and the Malfoy Mansion. On a side note, thanks so much… Read More
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We’ve been doing lots of work around the site today, as you’ve probably noticed if you’ve looked around. One bigger thing I’ve put together: a page about the Deathly Hallows. Enjoy!… Read More
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Revised 7/24/07: We have three new character pages! Thanks to Michele Worley we have one for Grindelwald; Lexicon Essays editor Paula Hall has made her character pages debut with Bathilda Bagshot and Xenophilius Lovegood. I also corrected Hermione’s middle name (the source for the “Jane” was World Book Day),… Read More