"I am sorry to hear that you do not feel we give enough coverage to the game of Gobstones. The reason for this is that most wizards find it deeply boring."
-- Editor's reply to a letter in the Daily Prophet (DP1)

Gobstones are playing pieces for the game of the same name – spit a disgusting fluid at players when they lose.
According to Pottermore: “Players start the game with fifteen small, round Gobstones each (Gobstones are sold in sets of thirty) and the winner must capture all of his opponent’s stones. Though most commonly (as the name implies) made of stone, Gobstones may also be made of precious metals” (Pm).
The President of the English Gobstones team is Roland Kegg (FW).
The current Gobstones World Champion is Kevin Hopwood (Pm).
Severus Snape‘s mother, Eileen Prince, was Captain of the Gobstones Team while at Hogwarts (HBP25).
A solid gold set is available to purchase on Diagon Alley (PA4).
Percy Weasley left a set of Gobstones in Gryffindor after leaving Hogwarts, which Ron tried to suggest to distract Harry from thinking about Sirius Black (PA11).
Some second year students were worried that Dolores Umbridge would shut down the Hogwarts Gobstones Club because of Educational Decree Twenty-Four (OP17).
In a letter to the Daily Prophet, Grugwyn Rufford complained that the paper had more coverage of a Quidditch team’s new flying bus than of the Welsh National Gobstones team international victory over the team from Hungary (DP1).
Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge belonged to a Gobstones Club (DP2). It is not specified whether the Official Gobstones Club located on Level 7 of the Ministry of Magic is just for Ministry employees who play Gobstones or denotes a entity that oversees the national game (OP7).
Flavius Belby, the only known survivor of a Lethifold attack, used his happy memory of being voted the President of his local Gobstones Club to be able to successfully perform a Patronus Charm (FB).
The National Gobstones League tournament of 2014 was held in Birmingham (Pm).
Although the dates printed on the Daily Prophet Newsletters are:
the timeframe for these events is 1992-1993.
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Tags: club competitions/competitors disgusting games gold liquids metals smelly/smells stones wizard games