Hagrid’s hut is a small wooden house on the edge of the forbidden forest. There was a crossbow and a pair of galoshes outside the front door the first time Harry and Ron visited. “There was only one room inside. Hams and pheasants were hanging from the ceiling, a copper kettle was boiling on the open fire, and in the corner stood a massive bed with a patchwork quilt over it” (PS8). Hagrid’s hut a fire “crackling merrily” opposite his bed (CS7). There is a window beside the doorway and Fang’s basket on the floor (OP20). Furniture found in Hagrid’s hut includes cupboards (PA16), an enormous, scrubbed wooden table and chairs standing in the middle of the room (PS14) and a wardrobe (PA14). His house also contains an enormous cauldron used for cooking (OP20), milk pitchers (PA16), plates (PA14), bucket-shaped mugs (OP20), tea pots (PS8), a dresser with a photograph of Hagrid’s father in it (GF24) and treacle fudge in its tin on the mantelpiece.
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