Ministry of Magic
Creatures Ministry of Magic and the Wizard's Council Wizarding Culture

Being Division

"Muldoon's successor, Madame Elfrida Clagg, attempted to redefine "beings" in the hope of creating closer ties with other magical creatures. 'Beings' she declared, were those who could speak the human tongue. All those who could make themselves understood to Council members were therefore invited to join the next meeting. Once again, however, there were problems." (FB)

A division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures with responsibility for the higher-order creatures defined as “beings”

The Being Division was established by Grogan Stump, Minister for Magic, in 1811 (FB)

Goblin Liaison Office (GF7, HBP4)
Heads: Cuthbert Mockridge (GF7), later Dirk Cresswell (HBP4)

Office of House-Elf Relocation
Head: Newt Scamander, c. 1915-1917) (FB)

Werewolf Support Services (FB, Pm) (now closed down for lack of use)


Pensieve (Comments)

Tags: assistance brains control intelligence sentient support talking thinking

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