"I'd have thought you could have whipped him up a remedy, Harry, an expert Potioneer like you?"
-- Slughorn, when Ron needed a Love Potion antidote (HBP18)

Potioneer is a title used for someone who makes potions, either as a profession or as an advanced student.
- The legendary potions-maker Zygmunt Budge calls himself a Potioneer, but also used the term for the students reading his Book of Potions (BoP). The term is used as both a job title and an honorary one, based more on skill than educational background (especially since Zygmunt Budge never graduated from Hogwarts).
- Professor Slughorn referred to Harry as a Potioneer because he was doing so well in class. What he never knew was that Harry was using the helpful notes in the Half-Blood Prince's potions book to get ahead (HBP18).
- Slughorn mentioned the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers founded by Hector Dagworth-Granger (no relation to Hermione) (HBP9).
- Severus Snape never referred to himself as a Potioneer, but as Potions Master of Hogwarts, which was his job title (CS9). However, since he brewed the Mandrake Restorative Draught during the Basilisk attacks, the Werewolf Potion for Remus Lupin, and Veritaserum for both Dumbledore and Umbridge, his range of potion-making went far beyond that of a mere teacher. For his youthful improvements in the Advanced Potion-Making book alone, he would probably be viewed as a Potioneer (HBP9,HBP12, HBP18).
- Dumbledore once had a paper published in the magazine "The Practical Potioneer" (DH2)
The following Witches and Wizards may qualify as Potioneers:
Note: Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort) was not included. His potions fall under Dark Arts instead of potioneering.
- Gregory the Smarmy - 2nd c. - invented Gregory's Unctuous Unction (PS9, FW)
- Dzou Yen- 4th c. Chinese alchemist (FW)
- Linfred of Stinchcombe - 12th c. - invented the Pepperup Potion and Skele-Gro (Pm)
- Paracelsus - alchemist and healer (FW)
- Nicholas Flamel - 14th c. alchemist who used the Philosopher's Stone to make the Elixer of Life (PS6,PS13, Pm)
- Quintia McQuoid - died in 1407 from badly-brewed Cure for Ague Potion, Wizarding School Potions Championship named in her honor (BoP)
- Zygmunt Budge - 16th c. inventor of Felix Felicis, Doxycide, Beautification Potion, Laughing Potion, Shrinking Solution, author of Book of Potions (BoP)
- Gunhilda of Gorsemoor - 16th c. healer, discovered a cure for Dragon Pox (FW)
- Mungo Bonham - 17th c. healer, founded St. Mungo's Hospital (FW)
- Golpalott - made up at least three Laws of Potion making; his Third Law involved antidotes (HBP18)
- Glover Hipworth - 18th c. improved or updated the Pepperup Potion (FW)
- Laverne de Montmorency - 19th c. inventor of Love Potions (FW)
- Sacharissa Tugwood - 20th c. inventor of Beautifying Potions (FW)
- Hesper Starkey - 20th c. studied moon phases and effects on potions (FW)
- Arsenius Jigger - author of Magical Drafts and Potions (PS5, Pm)
- Libatius Borage - author of Advanced Potions Making (HBP9)
- Dr. Ubbly - inventor of Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction (OP38)
- Albus Dumbledore - 20th c. discovered 12 uses of Dragon's blood, alchemist partner of Nicholas Flamel (PS6)
- Fleamont Potter - 20th c. invented Sleekeazy's Hair Potion
- Horace Slughorn - 20th c. Potions Master at Hogwarts (HBP9)
- Hector Dagworth-Granger - founder of the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers (HBP9)
- Damocles Belby - 20th c. invented the Wolfsbane Potion (HBP7)
- Regulus Moonshine - 20th c. discovered a potion to suppress the appetites of hags (DP4)
- Severus Snape - 20th c. Potions Master at Hogwarts, edited Libatius Borage's book to improve potions (PS8, HBP9)
c. 1300, pocioun "medicinal drink," from Old French pocion "potion, draught, medicine" + "-eer" meaning "one who" (operates, produces, deals in)
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